Langhe DOC Dolcetto
(d.o.c. D.M. 22/11/1994)
The wine regulations register imposes that Langhe Dolcetto presents the following characteristics when it is put on the market.
Ruby red.
Characteristic, winey and pleasing.
Dry, pleasingly bitterish and armonious with a fairly good body.
Minimum alcohol content by volume: 11%.
Minimum total acidity: 5‰.
Minimum dry extract: 20 g/litre.
Min. alcohol
Established on
Towns where it's produced
Langhe DOC Dolcetto: Vines
The Langhe DOC Dolcetto is a single varietal wine, and therefore can be made exclusively by Dolcetto grapes
Dolcetto min. 85%, others.
The bunch of Dolcetto is a long pyramid in shape, and the grapes are round, with a blue-black skin. The fruit ripens in mid September. you can read more about Dolcetto here.

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