Santa Vittoria d’Alba

Santa Vittoria stands in a special and appealing place, a wonderful scenario over the hill of the Langhe and Roero.

The town is made special by its medieval tower and, economically, by the Cinzano factory.

The Turriglio, a round ruin dating back to the II century a. C., was first built by the Romans.

In the town, the parish church of the Assumption and the fraternity of saint Francis are surely worth a visit.

In the latter are some paintings by Giovanni Canavesio.


The town got its name from the Roman victory on Alaric, king of the Visigoths’ tribe, in 402.

In the light of dawn the Goths mistook the Roman lances for the equally geometric and regular vineyards’ stakes.

In the Middle Ages the hill of Santa Vittoria was strongly wanted by the town of Alba because of its strategic importance; after a long war against Asti the town conquered it.

Later, the town was owned by the Visconti from Milan and, in the first half of the seventeenth century, by Carlo Emanuele di Savoia.

Events in Santa Vittoria d’Alba and around

Eat & Sleep in Santa Vittoria d’Alba and around

The Church of Saint Ponzio

SP241, 9, 12066 Monticello d'Alba CN, Italia
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The church of san Servasio

Castellinaldo d'Alba, CN, Italia
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San Vittore's Church

Str. S. Vittore, 28, 12040 Priocca, CN, Italia
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International Museum of Women Artists (MIDA)

Chiesa della Madonna dei Prati, Via Artuffi, Ceresole Alba, CN, Italia
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The parish church of San Giovanni Battista

Via Evaldo Cassinelli, 1 12050 Castagnito
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The church of saint Augustine

Via Cavour, Pocapaglia, CN, Italia
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The church of Santa Chiara

Chiesa Santa Chiara, Via Barbacana, Bra, CN, Italia
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