Outdoor and walks
Collection of bike routes for April 25

In recent years we have proposed several bicycle routes in the Langhe that pass through some of the memorial sites of the partisan struggle.
We like the idea of combining the tourist discovery of the Langa and the knowledge of historical events that took place there.
And we like the idea of doing it through a medium like a bicycle, which has a slow tempo, which allows us to pay attention to the myriad nuances of the landscape, and which through fatigue often allows us to reconnect with our thoughts.
In the last years of World War II, the Langhe became a crucial territory in the struggle for liberation.
The resistance movement was symbolically born in Valdieri, in the province of Cuneo when Dante Livio Bianco, Duccio Galimberti, and other comrades started the formation Italia Libera; it was Sept. 11, ’43.
From then on, the struggle moved to the mountains and linked up with other groups that were springing up all over Italy, and then tried to conquer the plains as well, always maintaining a strong foothold in the countryside of Cuneo and the Langhe.
From the countryside, in fact, numerous men and women of different cultural and social backgrounds had left as partisans: intellectuals, farmers, Catholics, liberals, and communists.
Country life was traditionally marked by the seasons and the timing of nature and was rather unresponsive to historical changes, which were more keenly felt in large cities.
But with the war everything changed, and many young people were faced with a choice in ’43: remain subjects of a regime that was leading Italy to ruin or rebel and take the path of underground and struggle.
The largest contribution of men to this resistance force came from Piedmont, particularly Turin and the province of Cuneo.
The Langhe are thus dotted with places that commemorate the victims and actions of the partisans, who often found death in their hills.
Every town experienced tragic events and paid its toll in the Liberation struggle, and numerous plaques and monuments commemorate the names of partisans, protagonists and not just victims of the events.
Today, when the Langhe is synonymous with tourism and eno-gastronomic excellence, we want to unite these two souls with some routes in a wonderful territory linked to the history of Italy.
All hikes are designed with a loop structure, ending by returning to the starting point. They are about 30 km in length so that they can be tackled even by inexperienced cyclists.
They are all on asphalt, so they are suitable for both mountain bikes and road bikes.
Developing in hilly terrain, they always present climbs, sometimes challenging, but never too prolonged.
In the descriptions of the routes you will find some information about places, facts and characters of the Resistance connected to the places traversed.
This route touches the towns of Monforte, La Morra and Barolo; we are in the heart of the Barolo DOCG vineyards.
This route passes through Dogliani, Monchiero and Monforte, thus adding the Dogliani DOCG area.
This route links Dogliani to Bonvicino, giving a glimpse of the border with Alta Langa.
This route takes us from Murazzano to Clavesana, combining Dolcetto vineyards with the area of the renowned Murazzano Dop cheese.
This route runs higher up, between Bossolasco, Cravanzana and Serravalle, in the Tonda Gentile delle Langhe hazelnut territory.
These two routes are about 50 km in length and are slightly more difficult, as they encounter numerous uphill sections.
Taking the right amount of time, however, they are also suitable for amateurs.
This route starts in Alba, the capital of the Langhe, and explores the Barolo area.
This route starts from Dogliani and allows to unite Bassa and Alta Langa.