
Neive is divided in two parts: the ancient one, rich of artistic monuments, and the most recent one, where the commercial activities are gathered.

On the central paved road, there are the baroque churches of the saint Peter and Paul, and the fraternituy of san Michele.

In the majestic castel is sited a wine-making farm.

Artistically beautiful is the small temple of santa Maria del Piano, in the Borgonuovo village.

Neive produces some of the best wines in the Langhe.


This town was founded and first inhabited by the Romans, the “Gens neve” from which its name comes.

In the Middle Ages and the following centuries many families fought over this town; after having been occupied by Napoleon, it finally became a property of the Savoia.

Events in Neive and around

  • 10 Mar 15 Mar

    Esposizione fotografica alla storica torre medievale di Albaretto della Torre, con panorami mozzafiato e un’esperienza sensoriale curata da Sensovia

  • 15 Mar

    Una serie di incontri pensati per migliorare il tuo benessere fisico e mentale attraverso ginnastica a corpo libero e yoga

  • 17 Mar 22 Mar

    Esposizione fotografica alla storica torre medievale di Albaretto della Torre, con panorami mozzafiato e un’esperienza sensoriale curata da Sensovia

  • 22 Mar

    Una serie di incontri pensati per migliorare il tuo benessere fisico e mentale attraverso ginnastica a corpo libero e yoga

Eat & Sleep in Neive and around

Pian Castello di Neive

Piazza Italia, 19, 12052 Borgonovo CN, Italia
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The cathedral of St. Lawrence the Martyr

Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, Piazza Duomo, Alba, CN, Italia
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Church of Divin Maestro

Chiesa Divin Maestro, Corso Piave, Alba, CN, Italia
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Quiri Loop

Sinio, CN, Italia
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The Annunziata Abbey

Frazione Annunziata, 38, 12064 Annunziata CN, Italia
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