Lower Langa

Auditorium Horszowski

in Monforte d’Alba

Monforte d’Alba –  The ancient town square is dominated by the bell tower. The strong romanic tower si the only remaining of a former medieval church, knocked down at the beginning of this century.

The square has been transformed a few years ago into an auditorium dedicated to the pianist Horszowski, who inaugurated it in 1986, and offers a strongly suggestive atmosphere.

In the evening you will enjoy its soft lightning and the silence of the ancient walls: an out-of-time stage with, as a backcloth, the eighteenth-century Scarampi palace, the baroque oratory of saint Elizabeth and the facade of the church of the Disciplinati, right opposite the bell tower.

Auditorium Horszowski

Auditorium Horszowski, Via del Carretto, Monforte d'Alba, CN, Italia
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The Barbaresco tower

Torre di Barbaresco, Barbaresco, CN, Italia
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The cedar of Lebanon

Via Annunziata, 68, 12064 La Morra CN, Italia
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The oratory of saint Michael

Via M. Baudana, 5, 12050 Serravalle Langhe CN, Italia
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The parish church of Ss. Cosmas and Damian

Via Vittorio Emanuele, 30, 12051 Alba, CN, Italia
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