
San Vittore's Church

in Priocca

Priocca – It was built in a romanic style before the year 1000.

Beautiful is the apse, in which there’s a precious XV-century fresco of the Virgin with the Baby, and another one, a century older, of sqaint Catherine’s Marriage.

San Vittore's Church

Str. S. Vittore, 28, 12040 Priocca, CN, Italia
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The church of San Bernardino

Via Roma, 20, 12043 Canale CN, Italia
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The parish church of San Giovanni Battista

Via Evaldo Cassinelli, 1 12050 Castagnito
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The church of san Servasio

Castellinaldo d'Alba, CN, Italia
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The church of saint Augustine

Via Cavour, Pocapaglia, CN, Italia
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Big White Bench

Via Cuneo, 1, 12040 Vezza d'Alba CN, Italia
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