Lower Langa

Alba Underground Journey to the center of the city

in Alba

From the time of Alba Pompeia (so they called the city over the centuries from Roman times), what is now the center has seen a succession of
generations of cities one after another, in the same place.

The medieval city grew on the ruins of the Roman, the modern one took his place without deleting it altogether, and so on, until the present town, which without knowing it is shaped in the form of Alba Pompeia by urban features.

The last two thousand years of city history, a lot has remained in the belly of the underground city, a few feet beneath the streets and pavements, fragments of lost towns, and ancestors of today’s Alba, that make up the rich heritage of the Museum F. Eusebius, the Monumental Archaeological Path citizen and the many underground passages.

The ancient temple, the theater and the Roman Forum, the first font and the medieval towers disappeared.

Come and discover the roots of the underground city in the company of a professional archaeologist.

Visit ambientecultura.it web-site for the programs and reservations.

The castle of Grinzane Cavour

SP157, 19, 12060 Grinzane Cavour CN, Italia
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The cathedral of St. Lawrence the Martyr

Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, Piazza Duomo, Alba, CN, Italia
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The Tuesday and Saturday market in Dogliani

Via Louis Chabat, 15, 12063 Dogliani CN, Italia
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Serralunga d’Alba Loop

Serralunga d'Alba, CN, Italia
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The Serralunga d'Alba Castle

Castello di Serralunga d'Alba, Via Castello, Grinzane Cavour, CN, Italia
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