Costigliole d’Asti

The town is built around the majestic castle, almost a thousand years old, now owned by the commune.

At the end of the eighteenth century it was a property of the marquis Filippo Asinari, politician and diplomat, who loved and knew wine.

In the castle many exhibitions and fairs take place, dedicated to wine and vegetables – the basis of Costigliole’s economy.

Barbera, drunk with ravioli, is the absolute king of the “old carnival” fair, that takes place in the little Motta village every first Sunday in Lent.

Events in Costigliole d’Asti and around

  • 18 Jan 19 Jan

    La Pro Loco di Monale organizza la tradizionale Bagna Cauda con più di 15 verdure

  • 24 Jan

    Uno spettacolo teatrale che vi porterà oltre i limiti della scena e delle emozioni attraverso poesia, acrobazia e immaginazione

  • 25 Jan 26 Jan

    Sei appuntamenti a Monale, nel Salone della Canonica, per gustare la Bagna Cauda in compagnia con un ricco menù

  • 26 Jan

    Proiezione di un filmato e un video per celebrare il Giorno della Memoria e il ruolo dei canellesi nella storia

Eat & Sleep in Costigliole d’Asti and around

The castle of Costigliole d'Asti

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 12, 14055 Costigliole d'Asti AT, Italia
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The parish church of saint Lawrence

Via Roma, 20, 14050 Serole AT, Italia
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The tower of Castellino Tanaro

Torre di Castellino Tanaro, SP115, Castellino Tanaro, CN, Italia
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The castle of Monastero Bormida

SP56, 22, 14058 Monastero Bormida AT, Italia
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