Trezzo Tinella

Trezzo is located on the ridge that leads to Benevello and Bossolasco, just a few kilometers from Alba and Neive.

Albeit of ancient origin and with a vast main city in Roman times, the village has hardly preserved any trace of its glorious past.

In 1879, the pavement of an ancient Via Magistra Langarum was discovered which crossed the Tinella stream at San Giovanni bridge, linking Alba to Cortemilia .

Naranzana was a strategically located village, along the “Via Magistra”, where in 1974 the brothers Patetta, while ploughing, found the remains of a Roman necropolis.

Amidst the vineyards on Monte Oliveto, stones of square or rectangular shapes are continually coming to light, revealing the existence of ancient settlements.

The Via Magistra is ideal for hiking or mountain biking.

Trezzo Tinella – what it looked like

Trezzo Tinella (pop.866). Located amidst fertile hills, between the Tinella stream and a branch of the Tanaro river, 12 kilometers from Alba; you can find the parish of San Antonio Abate and a Congregation of charity. Grapes, cereals, marzuolo truffles and chestnuts.

History records – This village was mentioned as Terse in the 973 diploma issued by Emperor Otto, through which he made various donations to the church of Asti. Even before 1200 it was under the rule of the lords of Revello, who received it from the Marquis of Busca; it was then passed on to the Laurenti d’Asti family, of which Giovannone had only a daughter, named Violante, who brought a dowry of the fief to her husband, Andrea Marquis of Busca, lord of Cossano.

Electoral District of Cuneo III (Alba) – Diocese of Alba – P1 T. in Alba.

Gustavo Straforello
Turin 1891 –The homeland. Geography of Italy. Province of Cuneo – Volume 1

Events in Trezzo Tinella and around

  • 17 Mar 22 Mar

    Esposizione fotografica alla storica torre medievale di Albaretto della Torre, con panorami mozzafiato e un’esperienza sensoriale curata da Sensovia

  • 22 Mar

    Una serie di incontri pensati per migliorare il tuo benessere fisico e mentale attraverso ginnastica a corpo libero e yoga

  • 24 Mar 29 Mar

    Esposizione fotografica alla storica torre medievale di Albaretto della Torre, con panorami mozzafiato e un’esperienza sensoriale curata da Sensovia

  • 29 Mar

    Una serie di incontri pensati per migliorare il tuo benessere fisico e mentale attraverso ginnastica a corpo libero e yoga

Eat & Sleep in Trezzo Tinella and around

The Wednesday market in Santo Stefano Belbo

Via XX Settembre, Santo Stefano Belbo, CN, Italia
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Route of Cesare Pavese in Santo Stefano Belbo

Via Stazione, 32A, 12058 Santo Stefano Belbo CN, Italia
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The chapel of saint Martin of Lignera

SP439, 6, 12079 Lignera CN, Italia
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The Castle of Caldera

Via G. Galliano, 1, 12077 Monesiglio CN, Italia
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The sanctuary of Madonna dei Monti

SP103, 12050 Niella Belbo CN, Italia
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The parish church of San Nazario

Via Rutte, 4, 12050 Bosia CN, Italia
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