
Sessame is a name that reminds of number six: six were the Roman miles that separated it from Acqui, six are the rivers and streams in its territory and sixty are the miles to go to Turin.

Sessame, a strange town built on an easily-sloughing ground, with its two churches one beside the other on the main square and the many houses ruined by the sloughs, is the true hometown of Brachetto.

Brachetto is a sweet wine, and the main job of the few remeining farming families.

Vineyards cover a large part of the territory and give it its unique charm.

Near the bormida river there’s a special place, especially designed to be a home for the grey heron.

It’s a kind of birfd that had been absent for a long time from these places, and that is returning now thanks to the pollution decrease.


Sessame is a very ancient town, probably first built before the Roman era by some Liguri tribe.

It didn’t enjoy any relevant development, though, until the Middle Ages, when it was owned by many different lords and families.

Among them the Del Carretto family, the Sforza and, since the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Savoia.

Events in Sessame and around

  • 18 Jan 19 Jan

    La Pro Loco di Monale organizza la tradizionale Bagna Cauda con più di 15 verdure

  • 24 Jan

    Uno spettacolo teatrale che vi porterà oltre i limiti della scena e delle emozioni attraverso poesia, acrobazia e immaginazione

  • 25 Jan 26 Jan

    Sei appuntamenti a Monale, nel Salone della Canonica, per gustare la Bagna Cauda in compagnia con un ricco menù

  • 26 Jan

    Proiezione di un filmato e un video per celebrare il Giorno della Memoria e il ruolo dei canellesi nella storia

Eat & Sleep in Sessame and around

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