Sessame is a name that reminds of number six: six were the Roman miles that separated it from Acqui, six are the rivers and streams in its territory and sixty are the miles to go to Turin.
Sessame, a strange town built on an easily-sloughing ground, with its two churches one beside the other on the main square and the many houses ruined by the sloughs, is the true hometown of Brachetto.
Brachetto is a sweet wine, and the main job of the few remeining farming families.
Vineyards cover a large part of the territory and give it its unique charm.
Near the bormida river there’s a special place, especially designed to be a home for the grey heron.
It’s a kind of birfd that had been absent for a long time from these places, and that is returning now thanks to the pollution decrease.
Sessame is a very ancient town, probably first built before the Roman era by some Liguri tribe.
It didn’t enjoy any relevant development, though, until the Middle Ages, when it was owned by many different lords and families.
Among them the Del Carretto family, the Sforza and, since the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Savoia.
Events in Sessame and around
20 SepThe library’s white night
Looking forward to the festival dedicated to Canelli DOCG, an evening of culture and entertainment
21 Sep 22 SepArt sans frontieres
Tema della mostra è l'arte come mezzo di abbattimento dei limiti della fisicità materiale e dei confini geografici e culturali
21 SepCanelli città del vino
Giornata di chiusura della manifestazione fatta da vino e cibo, ma anche da tanti eventi di cultura e arte, storia e paesaggio, nel segno della sinergia tra tutte le eccellenze di un territorio
22 SepCanelli city of wine
The articulated event made of wine and food is back, but also with many events of culture and art, history and landscape, under the sign of the synergy between all the excellences of an area
Eat & Sleep in Sessame and around
The Sant'Eusebio Chapel Chapel
Cappella di Sant'Eusebio, SP126, Rocca Cigliè, CN, Italia
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The castle of Cisterna d'Asti
Piazza Maggiore Hope, 1, 14010 Cisterna D'asti, AT, Italia
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The castle of Costigliole d'Asti
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 12, 14055 Costigliole d'Asti AT, Italia
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The "Giulio Monteverde" gipsoteca (gallery of plaster casts) in Bistagno
Corso Carlo Testa, 3, 15012 Bistagno, AL, Italia
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Partisan Airport Museum Excelsior
Comune di Vesime, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, Vesime, AT, Italia
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The parish church of saint Anthony the Abbot
Via del Castello, 25, 14051 Loazzolo AT, Italia
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