Asti Langa

The parish church of the Assunta

in Bubbio

BubbioThe parish church of the Assunta was designed by Pedrotta and Del Carretto. Its facade, simple though baroque, is made of bricks. At its center there’s a big rose-window with two side niches; under it, the carved wooden portal. On the left side of the church there’s the bell tower, painted yellow.

The inside is majestic and intimate at the same time; roughly hexagonal, it has round angles and a chapel on each. A single nave, then, with five exedras, each with an altar.

There are two more altars on the right and left of the major one. The left one is dedicated to the Madonna Assunta (Lady of the Assumption) and decorated by a beautiful painting, probably by Gorzio. The other altars are dedicated to saint Joeph from Covertino, saint Joeph dying (on the left), Our Lady from Pompei, Souls in the Purgatory (on the right). Two beautiful pulpits are placed beside two columns in the middle of the church.

In the back apse there are beautiful frescos by Morgari from Asti, called the Temptation of Christ and Jesus on the Mount of Olives.

The Sant'Eusebio Chapel Chapel

Cappella di Sant'Eusebio, SP126, Rocca Cigliè, CN, Italia
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The castle of Monastero Bormida

SP56, 22, 14058 Monastero Bormida AT, Italia
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The castle of Cisterna d'Asti

Piazza Maggiore Hope, 1, 14010 Cisterna D'asti, AT, Italia
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The tower of Castellino Tanaro

Torre di Castellino Tanaro, SP115, Castellino Tanaro, CN, Italia
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The parish church of saint George

Via XX Settembre, 12, 14058 Sessame AT, Italia
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