Panorama di Castiglione Falletto

Castiglione Falletto

The castle in Castiglione was a defensive feature of the powerful Falletti family.

The first news about the town are of the year 1000, when the emperor Ottone III gave it as a feud to Manfredi, count of Turin, together with other territories.

In 1200 it was given to the Falletti family, who owned it until the nineteenth century.

A Roman stele found in the castle demonstrates that the town was built inthe first century a. C.

Interesting are the parish church, dedicated to saint Lawrence, and the “battuti” chapel dedicated to saint Anne.

The territory of the commune is entirely included in the docg Barolo wine area.

At the end of July there’s the patronal fair of saint Anne.

Events in Castiglione Falletto and around

  • 30 Sep 31 Jan

    I Trifulau dell’Associazione Trifulau Colline di Langa ti offrono la possibilità di partecipare alla ricerca simulata dal tartufo

  • 14 Jan 19 Jan

    La mostra racconta testimonianze di devozione e vita quotidiana nelle campagne di Alba, Langhe e Roero, attraverso ex voto provenienti dalla Diocesi di Alba

  • 15 Jan 19 Jan

    La mostra esplora il tema dell’impronta nella natura attraverso oltre cento opere dell’artista torinese, dall’Arte Povera agli ultimi lavori

  • 15 Jan

    Una commedia che esplora le dinamiche di coppia, tra verità, menzogne e le sfumature dei sentimenti umani

Eat & Sleep in Castiglione Falletto and around

The Castiglione Falletto Castle

Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 19, 12060 Castiglione Falletto CN, Italia
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Museum of Ex-votos and popular devotion

Museo degli ex voto e della devozione popolare, Via Savona, Dogliani, CN, Italia
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The Fontanafredda farm

Fontanafredda, CN, Italia
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Quiri Loop

Sinio, CN, Italia
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Auditorium Horszowski

Auditorium Horszowski, Via del Carretto, Monforte d'Alba, CN, Italia
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