Lower Langa

Serralunga d'Alba Loop

in Serralunga d’Alba

Distance: 9,5 km
Estimated time: 2 h 45 min

The Trail

Anello di Serralunga

Anello di Serralunga, altimetria

The trail begins from piazza Guglielmo Marconi and leads onto strada Carlo Coccio.

Then continues up to the right, first on a gravel road then, after about 100 metres, it turns right onto a dirt road among vineyards and hazelnut trees to the village of Reale.

Following the arrows, continue on a country lane and then among hazelnut trees until you reach a paved road. Turn right and then immediately left, uphill.

After about 400 metres, at the junction, go right, and after 50 metres, left on a gravel road.

Continue slightly downhill following the white/red signs and the arrows onto a very scenic country lane.

Once you pass the village of Morenghi, you go downhill through woods of chestnut trees, oaks, maples, and vineyards until you reach the valley provincial road, near the Cappella di Sant’Antonio (Chapel of Saint Anthony of Padua).

Pass the chapel and, after about 150 metres, cross the Talloria stream, continue for 100 metres across the valley, and then climb to the right, among vineyards, up to the village of Cerati.

Turn left, and after 200 metres, past the arched entrance, you will be under the walls of the ancient castle of Serralunga (13th century).

Cross the small but charming village in the hills of the Barolo wine continuing on the provincial road to Roddino.

After about 600 metres, head down to the left, on a dirt road that services the beautiful vineyards of the Barolo wine, back up on the opposite hill, and then back down, below the village of Sinio.

Passed the provincial road, head uphill for about 400 metres, until you reach the square where you started off.

Click here to download the map of the trails of Sinio.

Witnesses to Popular Religiousness

Sant’Antonio Chapel

Sacello campestre della Sacra Famiglia

Along the paths of the Sinio territory, in the streets or in the village, you can observe characteristic expressions of popular religious devotion.

For the most part, this cultural patrimony was restored in the 1990s by the Town Hall of Sinio or by its inhabitants.

An ancient noble oratory, the country sacellum or shrine, the “piloni” (votive pillars), the votive cross, and three sacred aediculae or niches distinguish the territory in particularly scenic locations, in homes, or on crossroads.

These constitute the explicit expressions of devotion to Mary, of “ex voto” (votive offerings), of collective or family invocations for the protection of individuals, as well as for crops.

Several were destinations for propitiatory processions (rogation days), others are still references for reciting the first-crop rosaries.

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