The parish church in Cessole, finished in 1784 by the architect Giacomo Carretto – a disciple of Juvarra -, is made by two separate churches: the superior one is the parish, dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption, while the other is the oratory of the Disciplinati fraternity, also called church of the Battuti. It’s an immense and harmonic ensemble of bricks and stones decorated with big arches, parastades, pilasters.
It was built after 180 years of discussions: some wanted it to take the place of the Oratory, some on another former church, some ina wholly different place.
Carretto succeeded in deciding, but had to build two churches in order to satisfy both the Disciplinati and the people.
The "Giulio Monteverde" gipsoteca (gallery of plaster casts) in Bistagno
Corso Carlo Testa, 3, 15012 Bistagno, AL, Italia
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