Alba — Magdalene Courtyard, Fenoglio Hall
Workshop: when beer meets cheese
Guided tasting comparing Barolo, Barbaresco and Nebbiolo, explaining the different expressions of the Nebbiolo grape variety
from Sunday
13 October 2024
at 15:00
to Sunday
13 October 2024
at 17:00
On the occasion of the International White Truffle of Alba Fair, the workshops to learn about food, traditions and history.
The pairings
The oldest active Italian brewery offers the
best pairings between beer from the Menabrea 150° line. and Botalla cheeses. Specifically, the pairings will be.
- Menabrea La 150° Ambrata and Sbirro cheese
- Menabrea The 150th Weiss with Kaprone Cheese.
- Menabrea The 150th Red with Blue Grotto Cheese
Birra Menabrea is part of the history of beer in Italy. Founded in 1846 by Mr. Welf of Gressoney and brothers Antonio and Gian Battista Caraccio, in 1854 the brewery was leased to Giuseppe Menabrea and Antonio Zimmermann, who bought it in 1864.
Following Zimmermann’s departure from the company, it would be Giuseppe Menabrea himself who would establish “G. Menabrea and Sons” on July 6, 1872.
With the death of Giuseppe Menabrea in 1881, the heirs contributed to the spread of the brand in Italy and obtained important honors from royalty.
The application of the low-fermentation technique, which was not widespread at the time, and the use of qualitatively excellent raw materials, first and foremost the water from Biella’s springs, characterized Birra Menabrea from the start and decreed its success.
Carlo Menabrea headed the brewery until, in 1896, the company passed into the hands of Emilio Thedy and Augusto Antoniotti, husbands of the Menabrea sisters.
From then on, the Thedy family will lead the company. In 1991, the company became part of the Birra Forst Group, a South Tyrolean brewing reality known for the quality of its products and respect for nature.
The agreement, signed by Paolo Thedy, is aimed at reaffirming the pride of an all-Italian beer and further strengthening the commercial presence in the territory. Birra Menabrea still keeps its strong identity and independence intact. Since 1997, Birra Menabrea has been on the top steps of the podium at the World Beer Championships in Chicago, an authoritative annual competition promoted by industry experts, earning Gold and Silver Medals.
It is a consecration for the Biella brewery, which since 2005 has passed under the direction of Franco Thedy, the fifth descendant of the family. It is of great significance that the brewery’s headquarters and plant, with improvements changes over time, always remain as they were when it was founded, located in the historic center of the city of Biella.
Thus, Birra Menabrea can always remain true to itself: in its territory surrounded by the Alps, with pure and very light waters, and the brewing culture that has been handed down from generation to generation.
Organized by
Ente Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco d’Alba
13 October 2024
13 October 2024
How to participate
20.00 € per person The entrance fee to the Alba White Truffle World Market IS INCLUDED.
Indirizzo: Cortile della Maddalena, Via Luigi Paruzza, Alba, CN, Italia
Magdalene Courtyard, Fenoglio Hall
Cortile della Maddalena, Via Luigi Paruzza, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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