Festivals and Fairs in the Langhe and Piedmont

Village festivals enliven our spirits. So here is an exhaustive list of fairs, festivals, and markets, to eat, drink, and celebrate in joy!

Upcoming Events

  • 30 Mar 01 May

    La grande manifestazione che, nel parco del Castello di Pralormo, annuncia la primavera con la straordinaria fioritura di oltre 100.000 tulipani e narcisi

    Pralormo Fairs & Festivals

    Messer Tulipano

  • 19 Apr 21 Apr

    Un ricco programma di tre giorni per ballare, svagarsi e, ovviamente, mangiare le rane e molte altre prelibatezze

    San Ponso Fairs & Festivals

    sagra rane - eventi

  • 24 Apr 28 Apr

    Ritorna l'appuntamento con la Sagra delle Rane, giunta alla ventiduesima edizione con un ricco programma

    San Ponso Fairs & Festivals

    sagra rane - eventi

  • 25 Apr 28 Apr

    Degusta i vini di Langhe, Roero e Monferrato nei numerosi stand allestiti per le vie del centro cittadino

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

    vinum - eventi

  • 25 Apr 28 Apr

    Vinum 2024's street food, full of tasty, top-quality menus that can be enjoyed while strolling through the beautiful village streets of Alba

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

    Vinum - street food

  • 25 Apr 28 Apr

    I giorni di Vinum dedicano momenti ai bambini, per far scoprire, divertendosi, le bellezze del territorio e il "valore vino"

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

    Vinum Bimbi - Eventi

  • 26 Apr

    Inside the Castle of Roddi, in one of Italy's finest cooking schools, Chef Taglienti will "read" the raw material with the added use of technique with you at the table

    Roddi Fairs & Festivals

  • 26 Apr

    A food and wine tour to discover the fine DOC and DOCG appellations of Piedmont directed by Michelin-starred chef

    Roddi Fairs & Festivals

  • 27 Apr

    Inside the Castle of Roddi, in one of Italy's finest cooking schools, Michelin-starred chef Luca Natalini will infuse you with his unique take on the culinary arts

    Roddi Fairs & Festivals

  • 27 Apr

    A food and wine tour to discover Piedmont's prized DOC and DOCG appellations directed by star chefs

    Roddi Fairs & Festivals

  • 28 Apr

    Inside Roddi Castle, in one of Italy's finest cooking schools, Puglia's star chefs Antonella and Vinod will bring the Mediterranean sunshine to the table with you

    Roddi Fairs & Festivals

  • 01 May

    Vinum 2024's street food, full of tasty, top-quality menus that can be enjoyed while strolling through the beautiful village streets of Alba

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

    Vinum - street food