
In Serole it’s possible to see the wildest and less inhabited part of the Langhe, with the lawns, woods and rocks that in the summer are full of flowers and scents.

All these scents are to be found in the delicate cheese, made with pure goat’s milk, that are made in this town.

Its history lies, rather than in the events that occurred, in the natural beauties, the chestnut trees, the wolves and bears that used to live there and gave the name to a village, Ursariola.

But history passed there, too: a stone remembers the battle of Lepanto, when the Christian army defeated the Turks. This was a kind of revenge against the times when the Saracins destroyed the fertile Langhe land.


Very little is known of Serole’s history, maybe because the village has always been under Spigno’s influence.

Referrde to for the first time in 991, Serole was sold in 1209 to the town of Asti by Ottone I.

In 1300 Alberto del Carretto bought it, along with a part of Spigno. It was later owned by the marquis of Monferrato, the Asinari and the Savoia.

Events in Serole and around

  • 10 Feb

    Leo Mayer, intellettuale critico della società, si trova intrappolato in un mix di realtà e fantasia, tra ospitate televisive e psicoanalisi, mentre affronta la sua fine imminente circondato dai suoi cari

  • 14 Feb

    "Parzialmente Stremata" è uno spettacolo frizzante e irriverente che esplora la vita di una donna, coinvolgendo il pubblico in modo caotico e divertente

  • 21 Feb

    Una commedia ricca di equivoci e risate, dove il gioco di scambi di persona e situazioni imbarazzanti esplora con ironia le dinamiche sociali e le relazioni

  • 26 Feb

    Ambra Angiolini interpreta "Oliva Denaro", una storia di coraggio ed emancipazione femminile ispirata alla vita di Franca Viola, affrontando temi di violenza e libertà

Eat & Sleep in Serole and around

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