Torino — Colosseum Theater

Colosseum Theater: Awed - Dadda - Dose

Awed, Riccardo Dose and Dadda return to the Colosseum Theater with a show about sex stories, maintaining the energy of last season.

from Sunday

13 October 2024

at 17:00

to Sunday

13 October 2024

at 19:00

Numerous titles again this year color a very rich playbill that will continue to populate with characters and proposals not to be missed.

Quality and value are the necessary prerequisites for the work of programming and selection curated by Claudia Spoto‘s management, in a pact of trust made for many years with audiences in Turin and beyond.

Evidence of this is the steady increase in loyal spectators who experience the Colosseum Theater as a place of belonging, meeting, and cultural exchange.

A living, vital, welcoming theater, always open to new things and new stimuli.

The program sees the return of some major international companies to Turin after many years of absence.

The stars shine in a season distinguished by the quality and variety of performances.

Organizers have worked hard to bring some of the most prestigious names on stage, ranging from theater, music, dance, musicals and interdisciplinary performances.

This commitment reflects a desire to be a cultural reference point not only locally, but also nationally.

Claudio Spoto cautions:

A special thanks goes to the audience and all the entities with whom we collaborate to make this extraordinary adventure possible.We hope to accompany the audience through a season full of magic and wonder, where each show will be an unforgettable journey into the world of imagination.

Awed – Dadda – Dose : Experiences d.m.

After an exhilarating sell-out last season, web stars Awed, Riccardo Dose and Dadda, return to the Colosseum Theater with a completely new show, with new experiences and new stories, but with the same engaging energy.

Only thing not to change the theme: sex stories with not-so-happy endings.

Simone Paciello with his 2 million followers on Instagram, 2,100,000 on Tik Tok and 2,350,000 on YouTube, Riccardo Dose with 1,600,000 on Instagram, 2,540,000 on YouTube and 700,000 on Tik Tok, and Daniel Daddetta with 480,000 followers on Instagram return for two overwhelming hours in the sign of improvisation.

Once again recommended for those over 18 years of age and strongly discouraged for weak-hearted parents!

Organized by

Teatro Colosseo


13 October 2024

at 17:00


13 October 2024

at 19:00

How to participate

Theater prices

40.00 poltronissima
€36.00 armchair A
€32.00 armchair B
€32.00 gallery A
€26.00 gallery B


Indirizzo: Via Madama Cristina, 71, 10125 Torino, TO, Italia

Colosseum Theater

Via Madama Cristina, 71, 10125 Torino, TO, Italia
Directions ↝

Teatro Colosseo

Il Teatro Colosseo è fra i più recenti teatri sorti a Torino, nel quartiere San Salvario, a due passi dal Parco del Valentino e dal suo Castello. Con una capienza massima di 1.503 persone, è compreso nella struttura di un condominio di Via Madama Cristina a cui si accede da un ingresso posto sull'angolo della via.

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