Ceresole d’Alba

The commune of Ceresole is very wide and includes many woods, famous for the many mushrooms and game.

Architectonically interesting is the castle, restored and changed many times, and the church of san Bernardino (beginning of the eighteenth century).

The parish church of saint John was rebuilt after the battle between the French and the Spanish.

Very interesting, on the road to Carmagnola, is the church of the Madonna delle Grazie, also called Buontempo. Built in 1490, it has in the apse four frescos, painted in 1533 by some followers of Macrino.

Interesting is also the sanctuary of the Madonna delle Rose; the legend says it has been built near an ancient chapel, in the place where the battle between the French and the Spanish fought.

Local food specialty are the tenches, fished in the so-called “tampe”.


Given as a present by the marquis Olderico Manfredi to the monastery of the saint Apostles in Asti (to the bishop, then), during the thirteenth century it was a feud first of the De Montaldo and of the De Anterixio families.

The Roero family bought it in 1374 and kept it until 1707.

Famous is the battle between the French, guided by Francis I, and the imperial soldiers, fought in 1544.

Events in Ceresole d’Alba and around

Eat & Sleep in Ceresole d’Alba and around

MuBATT Museum of the Battle

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, II, 2, 12040 Ceresole Alba CN
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International Museum of Women Artists (MIDA)

Chiesa della Madonna dei Prati, Via Artuffi, Ceresole Alba, CN, Italia
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Bra, CN, Italia
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The tower of Corneliano

Corneliano d'Alba, CN, Italia
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The church of saint Augustine

Via Cavour, Pocapaglia, CN, Italia
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The church of San Bernardino

Via Roma, 20, 12043 Canale CN, Italia
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By bicycle from Monticello to Bra

Monticello d'Alba, CN, Italia
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