
The sanctuary of the Piloni

in Montà

Montà - Sanctuary of the Pylons

Montà – One of the most interesting places is the sanctuary of the Piloni, on the road to S. Stefano Roero. From the romanic stone church, that shows two very ancient steles in the facade, starts a road on which, through the pine wood, are fifteen chapels, representing the stops on the Via Crucis.

In each of them are preserved big, man-sized statues, representing the different stages of Christ’s Passion.

“Sereno Variabile”, servizio del 2007

The sanctuary of the Piloni

Unnamed Road, 12046 Montà CN, Italia
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Castle of Govone

Castello di Govone, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, Govone, CN, Italia
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Big White Bench

Via Cuneo, 1, 12040 Vezza d'Alba CN, Italia
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The church of San Bernardino

Via Roma, 20, 12043 Canale CN, Italia
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The church of san Servasio

Castellinaldo d'Alba, CN, Italia
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San Vittore's Church

Str. S. Vittore, 28, 12040 Priocca, CN, Italia
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MuBATT Museum of the Battle

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, II, 2, 12040 Ceresole Alba CN
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The Arts and Crafts Museum of a Time

Piazza Maggiore Hope, 1, 14010 Cisterna D'asti, AT, Italia
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