Roddi — Relevance of the castle of Roddi
Vinum: chef Emin Haziri
A food and wine tour to discover the fine DOC and DOCG appellations of Piedmont directed by Michelin-starred chef
from Friday
03 May 2024
at 20:30
to Friday
03 May 2024
at 23:00
Vinum’s formula is that of a city embracing its excellence and revealing it along the streets and through the squares.
Vinum is an event that brings together wine connoisseurs, gourmets and those who want to be passionate about the art and culture of the lower Piedmont region, being lulled by the beauty of the vineyards and hills that in 2014 Unesco recognized as a World Heritage Site.
Vinum is the opportunity to stroll through the streets of the city tasting the best wines of the area through food and wine tastings in the city’s iconic places.
The event with Chef Haziri
A food and wine tour to discover the fine DOC and DOCG appellations of Piedmont.
AIS sommeliers, on hand throughout the evening, will be able to advise and guide in the choice of wines from bubbles, whites, rosés, reds and aromatics.
The chef
Emin Haziri, class of ’95, attends the Public Hotel Institute in Trieste where he obtained an internship, at only 17 years old, at the two-Michelin-starred restaurant“Miramonti l’Altro.”
There he got confirmation that fine dining would become his job, and having collected some savings, he began traveling for field experience, landing in Milan, at Carlo and Camilla in Sawmill.
At Carlo Cracco‘s casual chic restaurant and cocktail bar, the young chef stepped into the role of head chef for the first time.
Having mastered the art of drink pairing, Emin moved to the kitchen of Mudec (now three Michelin stars), working with chef Enrico Bartolini.
But the meeting that changed his life was with Antonino Cannavacciuolo at Villa Crespi.
Having savored Cannavacciuolo’s sublimation of taste, it is time to leave for the best restaurant in the world: Noma.
In Copenhagen, in René Redzepi‘s kitchen, he found an army of cooks working on every single detail of the dish, and he knew immediately that if he didn’t stand out, he would end up in the back doing production.
So came a new move, this time to Le Petit Nice with Gérald Passedat on the Côte d’Azur, a seaside eatery that serves the freshest fish every day, where the chef has made the French art of sauces and cooking grounds his own.
Right there, Emin received an unexpected call from Antonino Cannavacciuolo:
He told me he wanted me to run Cannavacciuolo Bistrot in Turin, and so, at the age of 25, I became the headchef of a starred restaurant. Today, three years later, I have confirmed the star, bringing my personal touch and creativity to menus that change from season to season
Emin recounts further:
My cooking is creative, daring with technique and unusual pairings to achieve perfection. It is also sustainable as it is focused on waste reduction and the search for environmentally sensitive suppliers
With these principles Emin’s brigade, which he likes to call rock and roll “Because she has a will to do and is hungry for success“, contributes daily to Raise the bar and climb positions in emblazoned rankingsatand like that of 50 Top Italy, which placed Cannavacciuolo Bistrot Torino in 31st place for the category Authentic Cuisine.
In addition to his achievements in the kitchen, Emin Haziri founded a business, starting Jo Ressel, a super premium craft gin.
To date, Emin is the no.egg chef at the Grand Hotel Royal and Golf in Courmayeur., which continues to focus on young people: after Paolo Griffa – born in 1991 – who brought the hotel in the heart of the Alpine resort to the center of the gastronomic chronicles, now it is the turn of another young chef, also like Griffa, reported by Forbes among the under-30s not to be missed.
The menu
The menu is specially designed for the event and includes:
- Red shrimp almond and salted lemon
- Potatoes, porcini mushrooms and nasturtium
- Rice, hare and buffalo milk
- Crispy piglet, asparagus and black truffle
- Chocolate, hazelnut, toffee sauce and fior di latte ice cream
During the dinner, it will be possible to choose which label to taste from awide selection of Piedmontese wines, in a food and wine journey to discover the fine Doc and Docg appellations of Piedmont.
No changes are expected, however, please report any allergies within 72 hours of the event by sending an email to
The tables are convivial.
Organized by
Vinum Alba

03 May 2024
03 May 2024
How to participate
Indirizzo: Via Carlo Alberto, 15, 12060 Roddi CN, Italia
Relevance of the castle of Roddi
Via Carlo Alberto, 15, 12060 Roddi CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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