Torino — Warehouse on the Po
Great Past. Songs stories and something else
A show between stand-up comedy and live music, an interactive show performed live (guitar, cajón and keyboards) and written for three voices, in a semi-perennial medley of songs of yesterday and today
from Tuesday
28 May 2024
at 21:30
to Sunday
02 June 2024
at 22:30
The Moderns – Turin
Music, Comedy
70 Minutes
Target For All
Conceived and written by
eleste Gugliandolo, Placido Gugliandolo, Fabio Perretta
Celeste Gugliandolo, Placido Gugliandolo, Vittorio Campanella
sound and light consulting
Maximilian Bressan
with production support for
Tangram Theater Turin
Great Past. Songs stories and something else
A show between stand-up comedy and live music, an interactive show performed live (guitar, cajón and keyboards) and written for three voices, in a semi-perennial medley of songs from yesterday and today.
Between famous covers, a cappella songs, and harmonic turns that return and return, we discover together that the great gift of pop music is to be able to speak to its own times while playing with music of all times, making originality an entirely relative concept.
Turin Fringe Festival
From May 17 to June 2, 2024, XII Edition “Arcadia crossover.”
The Turin Fringe is a multidisciplinary performing arts festival that involves the entire Piedmont region, making it a national and international showcase and reference point for Theatre Off.
17-day Festival, 154 performances, 14 special events, 38 companies, 16 unconventional performance spaces from May 17 to June 2, 2024.
Born in 2013 in the wake of major European off festivals, over the years it has involved more than 300 national and international companies for a total of 2,000 performances in 70 indoor and 35 outdoor spaces in Turin for a total of more than 100,000 spectators.
It is the world’s leading arts and performing arts festival. An event found in every cultural capital. Today there are more than 200 Fringe Festivals around the world,
for a total of more than 100,000 spectators.
Organized by
Torino Fringe Festival
28 May 2024
02 June 2024
How to participate
12.00 € Full ticket
10.00 € Reduced
40.00 € Carnet 5 performances
27.00 € Carnet 3 performances
Indirizzo: Magazzino sul Po, Murazzi del Po Ferdinando Buscaglione, Torino, TO, Italia
Warehouse on the Po
Magazzino sul Po, Murazzi del Po Ferdinando Buscaglione, Torino, TO, Italia
Directions ↝
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