Cherasco — Solomon Theater
An off-season Christmas
A gentle comedy that deals lightly with current issues such as the loneliness of the elderly, job difficulties, distrust of foreigners
from Friday
12 April 2024
at 21:00
to Friday
12 April 2024
at 22:30
Antonio Valleggi, Franco Barbero, Natalie Bernardi
Antonio Valleggi
A gentle comedy that deals lightly with current issues such as the loneliness of the elderly, job difficulties, and distrust of foreigners.
Theater Food for Thought
The season promises to delight the cultural palate of every viewer. Official sponsor Gemini Project.
The general organization is taken care of by The Theatre of Ten, which on this occasion inaugurates the three-year entrustment of the Solomon’s through Municipal Call for Proposals in
collaboration with ControRealtà and Piccolo Teatro di Bra Odv, thus promising a synergy of talents and experiences in the local theater scene.
The season’s shows include a variety of genres, from brilliant comedies and wordless performances to children’s drama and
families. Side events will also be offered to further enrich the theater experience.
Organized by
Teatro Salomone
12 April 2024
12 April 2024
How to participate
10.00 € Full ticket
8.00 € Reduced spectators under 14 and area associations.
A subscription for 3 performances can be purchased at the special price of €25.00.
Indirizzo: Teatro Salomone, Via San Pietro, Cherasco, CN, Italia
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