Cuneo — Toselli Theater
La Burla
A simple, poetic and funny story told through the magic of the circus, which finds its natural habitat in the playfulness and fragility of life
from Saturday
31 August 2024
at 20:45
to Sunday
01 September 2024
at 17:50

Madame Rebiné (IT)
La Burla
Inside a toy store, tre elderly managers grapple with the problem of declining receipts, of the low turnout and the changes, too fast for their tired legs.
Burla is not just a business giving way to multinational corporations, is the dream of three friends, their world, their lives confronted by that strong wind that closes its doors.
A simple, poetic and funny story told through the magic of the circus, which finds its natural habitat in play and the fragility of life.
Mirabilia 2024: Gimme shelter
Conceived and organized by theIdeAgorà Association under the artistic direction of Fabrizio Gavosto.
An edition titled after the eighth English album by the Rolling Stones, released on November 29, 1969: Gimme shelter is an intense song, almost an apocalyptic hymn, dense with meaning because it was born in a climate of strong instability due to, among other things, the war in Vietnam; a sense of instability, perhaps of restlessness, very topical today, in this historical period, in which sometimes one feels the need for a refuge in which to know one can find well-being, welcome, beauty.
Mirabilia begins its “On the Road” dates on July 26 with an appointment in Alba, and then Savigliano, Vernante, Piozzo and Busca to end in the city of Cuneo, which will welcome Mirabilia The Festival from August 28 to September 1 with a playbill of great international relevance.
Organized by
Festival Mirabilia

31 August 2024
01 September 2024
How to participate
Repeats Sat 31 Aug 20:45 Sun 1 Sep 11:15 Sun 1 Sep 17:00 Duration 50' 12.00 Full ticket
Indirizzo: Teatro Toselli, Via Teatro Giovanni Toselli, Cuneo, CN, Italia
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