Monastero Bormida — Historical center
The Polentonissimo
This festival is an opportunity to taste the historic polenta and immerse yourself in local history and traditions. A whole day when the small village goes back in time
from Sunday
10 March 2024
at 08:00
to Sunday
10 March 2024
at 20:00
This festival is an opportunity to taste the historic polenta and immerse yourself in local history and traditions. A whole day when the small village goes back in time to the 16th century!
8:00 a.m.
Start cooking omelet of 3000 eggs, onion and sausage.
From 10:00 am
Opening photo exhibition by Manuel Cazzola and painting exhibition by local artists.
11:00 a.m.
Start of cooking the 15-quintal Polentone and start of the 18th Market Exhibition of typical products of the Langa Astigiana.
From 12:00 noon
Rustic lunch on the Castle premises.
2:00 p.m.
Opening of the “Arts and Crafts Tour” through the ancient quarters of Monastero Bormida.
3:30 p.m.
Start of the historical parade with more than 100 participants.
From 4:30 p.m.
Polentissimo 2024 bowl.
In addition to food tasting, the festival will include a series of activities and performances that will allow visitors to immerse themselves in the local tradition. Attractions will include reviews of ancient crafts, flag-wavers, historical parades, musical groups, a trade fair, an impromptu painting exhibition and the Madonnari gathering.
The history of Polentonissimo
The festival dates back to 1573 when Marquis Bartolomeo del Carretto offered food and help to a group of boilermakers.
The latter would pass through the village every year between the beginning of Carnival and the end of Lent. The boilermakers, known as “caudrini,” would temporarily stay in the countryside of Monastero Bormida helping local residents. In fact, traveling men made and repaired cooking pots and pans, the so-called “caudrìn.”
The local gentleman, impressed by the generosity of the migrants and eager to help the community, asked them to build a huge copper cauldron .
In return, he offered them a large amount of flour to feed themselves. Thus, a tradition was born of preparing a giant polenta in the main square of the town, distributing it to the hungry.
Since that time, Polentonissimo has become an event that is repeated every year, enriched over the centuries with new cultural, gastronomic and entertainment offerings.
Organized by
Comune di Monastero Bormida

10 March 2024
10 March 2024
How to participate
Free admission
Indirizzo: Monastero Bormida, AT, Italia
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