Torino — House Fools

Canto Ergo Sum

Quotes from classical and contemporary songs give life to this "raccAntata" story, in which the actress takes advantage of the loop station to record different sounds live until she creates a kind of vocal orchestra

from Tuesday

28 May 2024

at 20:00

to Sunday

02 June 2024

at 21:00

Circo Madera – Turin

Music, Drama, Visual
60 Minutes
Target For All


Simona Gambaro


Rita Pelusio


Silvia Laniado


Sara Brigatti

Original music

Alberto Mompellio


Augustine Porchietto

light designer

Paolo Casati

sound designer

Alberto Soraci

audio and lighting technician

Luca Carbone


Circo Madera APS | Children and Youth Theater Foundation Onlus

Canto Ergo Sum

A bizarre, irreverent and messy character, tired of a daily routine in which he does not feel understood, decides to close contact with Earth and set off on a lonely journey exploring the universe.

Aboard his spaceship, he transports us to his inner world with a comedy that amuses and excites, making us think through laughter on the theme of loneliness. But the real star of this story is the voice.

Voice as virtuosity, voice as a musical instrument, voice as storytelling. Music, noises and sounds are made solely by the performer.

Quotes from classical and contemporary songs give life to this “raccAntata” story, in which the actress takes advantage of the loop station to record different sounds live and overlay them on top of each other until she creates a kind of vocal orchestra.

Turin Fringe Festival

From May 17 to June 2, 2024, XII Edition “Arcadia crossover.”

The Turin Fringe is a multidisciplinary performing arts festival that involves the entire Piedmont region, making it a national and international showcase and reference point for Theatre Off.

17-day Festival, 154 performances, 14 special events, 38 companies, 16 unconventional performance spaces from May 17 to June 2, 2024.

Born in 2013 in the wake of major European off festivals, over the years it has involved more than 300 national and international companies for a total of 2,000 performances in 70 indoor and 35 outdoor spaces in Turin for a total of more than 100,000 spectators.

It is the world’s leading arts and performing arts festival. An event found in every cultural capital. Today there are more than 200 Fringe Festivals around the world,
for a total of more than 100,000 spectators.

Organized by

Torino Fringe Festival


28 May 2024

at 20:00


02 June 2024

at 21:00

How to participate

12.00 € Full ticket

10.00 € Reduced

40.00 € Carnet 5 performances

27.00 € Carnet 3 performances

Indirizzo: Casa Fools | Teatro Vanchiglia, Via Eusebio Bava, Torino, TO, Italia

House Fools

Casa Fools | Teatro Vanchiglia, Via Eusebio Bava, Torino, TO, Italia
Directions ↝

Torino Fringe Festival

Il Torino Fringe Festival è un festival di Teatro Off e di Arti Performative arrivato alla sua IX edizione che popola la città di Torino e moltissime location durante il mese di settembre. Il format segue le modalità dei Festival OFF più importanti d'Europa (es. Fringe di Edimburgo e Festival D'Avignon). Il calendario del Festival si compone di appuntamenti di teatro, danza, musica, performance, innovazione, concerti, eventi site-specific, circo, teatro di strada, laboratori e conferenze.

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