Cuneo — Sacred Heart Church
Concert: organs vespera 2024
Jean Paul Imbert will play on the "Brondino Vegezzi Bossi 2001" organ at Sacred Heart Church in Cuneo, performing pieces by Haendel and Franck
from Thursday
12 September 2024
at 21:00
to Thursday
12 September 2024
at 23:00
The organ review “Organi Vespera 2024” returns with the third and penultimate event of the musical season.
The concert will feature one of the most distinguished organists on the international scene, ready to ring out the majestic notes of one of the most fascinating instruments in the Western musical tradition. The appointment will be Thursday, Sept. 12, at 9 p.m. and in the Sacred Heart Church in Cuneo, on theorgan “Brondino Vegezzi Bossi 2001” maestro Jean Paul Imbert, a personality of international music who certainly does not need much introduction. A master in the art of timbral combination, he is a fervent interpreter of Bach and the Romantic school.
His vast repertoire is enriched by his own organ transcriptions of pages by Prokofiev, Rachmaninov, Grieg and Liszt.
The discography is extensive and eclectic. In 2010 he was appointed Officier des Arts et Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.
Pieces include Frederic Haendel in “Adagio and Andante in G minor, Opus 4” and Cesar Franck with “Sinfonia Eroica.” All events are free of charge with only a voluntary donation to “Amici della Musica Savigliano.”
Organized by
Associazione Amici della musica di Savigliano
12 September 2024
12 September 2024
How to participate
Free event with voluntary donation
Indirizzo: Chiesa Parrocchiale del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, Corso Nizza, Cuneo, Italia
Sacred Heart Church
Chiesa Parrocchiale del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, Corso Nizza, Cuneo, Italia
Directions ↝
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