La Morra — Belvedere of La Morra
Through Festival: Cristiano Godano and Telmo Pievani
On stage Tuesday evening, July 16, at the Belvedere in La Morra (CN), the duo explores the instability of water in the contemporary world
from Tuesday
16 July 2024
at 21:00
to Tuesday
16 July 2024
at 23:00
Through Festival gets into full swing with appointments throughout the provinces of Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria.
A kaleidoscope of events ranging from meetings with journalists and writers such as Vittorio Zincone and Gianrico Carofiglio, to world-opening performances such as the environmental music reading by Cristiano Godano (Marlene Kuntz) and Telmo Pievani, and the Terconauti show on autism.
Reflections on the future of museums in the digital transition are also addressed with the director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin Christian Greco.
Two distinct approaches to language emerge with Alessandro Bergonzoni and sociolinguist Vera Gheno.
Godano and Telmo Pievani
Combining art, poetry and science, Marlene Kuntz frontman Cristiano Godano andscience philosopher Telmo Pievani arrive at Attraverso Festival to address some of the great current issues with the show “Canto D’Acqua,” a secular prayer forwater.
On stage on the evening of Tuesday, July 16, at the Belvedere in La Morra (CN), the duo explores theinstability of water in the contemporary world.
In some parts of the planet there is too little water, with desertification advancing, while in others there are floods due toexcess rain.
Greenhouse gas emissions are not decreasing as predicted by international agreements, leading to climate changes that affect thewater cycle.
Alpine glaciers, permafrost and the Arctic ice cap melt, changing atmospheric and marine currents.
Althoughwater is a finite and vital resource, humanity often considers it to be available in abundance, without considering its true scarcity and wasting it continuously.
Organized by
Attraverso Festival
16 July 2024
16 July 2024
How to participate
€12.00 single ticket
Indirizzo: Belvedere di La Morra, Via G. Marconi, La Morra, CN, Italia
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