Magliano Alfieri — Castle

Archaeologists and farmers. From the Fundus Mallianus to the Mount of the Seven Castles

Meeting of the project aimed at enhancing the very long continuity of settlement of the Magliano township

from Saturday

06 April 2024

at 17:00

to Saturday

06 April 2024

at 18:30

Thepresentation meeting of the project will be held on Saturday, April 6, at the Hall of Coats of Arms in Alfieri Castle. Archaeologists and farmers. From the Fundus Mallianus to the Mount of the Seven Castles.

A meeting to recall the long ancient history of Magliano Alfieri and the protagonists of early 20th-century research, from Federico Eusebio to Antonio Adriano and Patrizio Porta, to modern archaeological investigations and more recent enhancement initiatives.

Speaking on the occasion will be:

  • Sergio Susenna, president of the Alba Section of Italia Nostra, with a focus on the figure of Federico Eusebio.
  • Silvana Volpe, a member of the Maglianese Spontaneous Group and the Friends of Alfieri Castle Association, with a reading from the diary of Antonio Adriano.
  • Renato Castello, a member of the Maglianese Spontaneous Group and the Friends of Alfieri Castle Association
  • Marco Mozzone, president of Environment & Culture, with a report of initiatives to enhance the archaeological heritage of Magliano.

Carlo Sacchetto for the Municipality of Magliano Alfieri will moderate the meeting.

The project

The meeting is the ‘concluding event of theproject of the same name Dal Fundus Mallianus al Monte dei Sette Castelli, carried out as part of the Fondazione CRT’s Esponente 2022 call for proposals with the aim of enhancing the very long continuity of settlement of the Magliano area (from the Neolithic to the present).

In particular, the project came about as a result of the Friends of Alfieri Castle reporting the degradation of the remains of the Roman villa and the need to display the archaeological collection of Antonio Adriano and the Gruppo Spontaneo Maglianese, an experience crucial to the country’s identity, and made it possible to complete several operations on several fronts.

With this project, the open-air archaeological area located in Sant’Antonio on Valmorterra Street was secured, where in 2006, during excavations for the construction of a spillway channel for the Rio Valle, the remains of the Roman rustic villa had come to light in a state of severe disrepair.

The archaeological area was manually weeded and the Roman wall consolidated.

Also produced was ageoreferenced multimedia audioguide that allows, via the free izi.TRAVEL app, independent enjoyment of the new loop trail that connects the various points of interest in the different hamlets of Magliano, from the lower part of the town (where the archaeological area is located) to Alfieri Castle and Geolocates all major archaeological findings.

Two large information panels were made, placed at the Roman wall on the Fundus Mallianus, the Via Fulvia, the Roman rustic villas, and the Data published by the Superintendency in connection with the 2006 excavations with QR-codes to access the georeferenced audiotour, digital map of archaeological findings, and texts translated into English.

Three other small panels with QR-codes provide access to the geo-referenced audiotour and have been placed at the two large panel holders at the elementary school and at the beginning of the climb to the Alfieri Belvedere, while the third is planned to be placed inside the castle.

Finally, the project made it possible to rearrange and partially expose, in a showcase set up inside the hall of the North Round Tower of Alfieri Castle, the rich and significant collection of archaeological finds, unearthed by the Spontaneous Group and local scholar Antonio Adriano, founder of the group of friends dedicated to the preservation of local folk traditions and history.

Organized by

Ambiente & Cultura


06 April 2024

at 17:00


06 April 2024

at 18:30

How to participate

The event is free admission; a convivial time is planned at the end.

Reservations are not required, but are recommended and are made by filling out the form at the event link.

Indirizzo: Museo - Castello di Magliano Alfieri, Via Adele Alfieri, Magliano Alfieri CN, Italia


Museo - Castello di Magliano Alfieri, Via Adele Alfieri, Magliano Alfieri CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Ambiente & Cultura

L’associazione Ambiente & Cultura, nata nel luglio 2010, riunisce gruppo di giovani laureati in materie umanistiche e scientifiche, convinti del valore essenziale che le tematiche ambientali e culturali ricoprono in qualunque tentativo di sviluppo sostenibile, efficiente e armonico dell’individuo e della società. Dal 2019 abbiamo sede nella chiesa di San Giuseppe ad Alba, splendido complesso barocco sei-settecentesco, recuperato dall'incuria e dal degrado da Proteggere Insieme, protezione civile specializzata nella tutela e nella salvaguardia dei beni culturali, e ora divenuto un attivissimo centro culturale. Agiamo in stretta sinergia con il centro culturale San Giuseppe, con Proteggere Insieme, con le Edizioni Langhe, Roero e Monferrato, con l'Associazione per il patrimonio UNESCO dei paesaggi vitivinicoli di LRM e con le diverse realtà che ruotano intorno a questo luogo della cultura ritrovato. Abbiamo collaborato. ad oggi, col museo civico archeologico e di scienze naturali F. Eusebio di Alba (CN), con il museo del colonnello Martina di Monforte (CN), con il museo delle Langhe presso il castello di Grinzane Cavour (CN) e con l’ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero e diverse altre realtà e enti del territorio. Operiamo nei campi della didattica museale, della divulgazione scientifica e nella valorizzazione dei beni culturali all’interno del territorio nel suo complesso e amiamo incrociare discipline diverse e instaurare nuovi dialoghi tra interlocutori inaspettati. Mission dell'associazione è creare legami e relazioni: tra le persone, siano esse cittadini residenti o visitatori ospiti del territorio, enti, istituzioni e analoghe associazioni.

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