Alba — Magdalene Courtyard - Beppe Fenoglio Hall

Alba noir festival

Saturday Yellow is Woman: tribute to Agatha Christie with writers Elisabetta Cametti and Rosa Teruzzi

from Saturday

23 March 2024

at 18:00

to Saturday

23 March 2024

at 20:00

“ALBA NOIR FESTIVAL” is an event that aims to tell and let fans of “mystery” literature discover theimportant role a place plays in the creation of a story.

The mystery or noir genre is as compelling as it is mysterious and ties in well with the Langhe area: think of a winter sunrise in the Langhe and Monferrato or the fog hovering among the steep slopes of the Roero’s rocky ridges.

An unusual way to tell the story of a town, a street, a square, a bar, precisely by dyeing them yellow, with the aim of intriguing the reader to such an extent that he or she will discover and experience them.

The first scheduled event is Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 6 p.m. in Fenoglio Hall, with “Yellow Saturday is woman. Homage to Agatha Christie.”.

Guest writers, Elisabetta Cametti and Rosa Teruzzi, will dialogue with journalist Marcello Pasquero to talk about their latest novels: Elisabetta Cametti, editor of the TV show “Uno Mattina” aired on Rai Uno, will present “Una brava madre” (Piemme editions), a gripping thriller in which the head of Milan’s mobile squad, Annalisa Spada, investigates an unclear crime.

Rosa Teruzzi, editor-in-chief of the TV show “Quarto Grado,” will talk about her latest publication for Sonzogno, “The Ballad of Unfaithful Fathers,” a new episode in the Giambellino saga starring florist Libera, with a penchant for investigation, her mother Iole and her daughter Vittoria, a young police officer.

The second event will be on Friday, April 5, at 6 p.m., again in the Beppe Fenoglio Hall with the evening “Yellow Friday is man. Homage to Arthur Conan Doyle“.

Guests of the meeting will be writers Gino Marchitelli, Massimo Tallone and Bruno Vallepiano, supported by journalist Paola Gula.

Gino Marchitelli will present his latest novel “Milano incidente mortale” (Fratelli Frilli editore), the seventh investigation of Commissioner Lorenzi, who is grappling with a terrible car accident.

Massimo Tallone, editor and essayist, will talk about his noir “L’agenzia matrimoniale” (Capricorn Editions), set in an unseen and hidden Turin, while Bruno Vallepiano will tell about his latest book “La linea mortale” (Golem Editions), the first case of Professor Mauro Bignami.

Organized by

Comune di Alba


23 March 2024

at 18:00


23 March 2024

at 20:00

How to participate

Free admission

Indirizzo: Sala Beppe Fenoglio, Alba, CN, Italia

Magdalene Courtyard - Beppe Fenoglio Hall

Sala Beppe Fenoglio, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Comune di Alba

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