
Albaretto Torre — Village center

A tu per tøur

A day to discover the great wines of Langa and some "short chain" food products through storytelling and sensory games

from Saturday

06 April 2024

at 15:00

to Saturday

06 April 2024

at 18:00

A traveling tasting in stages, in Albaretto della Torre.

“A tu per tour” is a day to discover, in a conscious way through storytelling and sensory games, the great wines of Langa and some agri-food products of “short chain”(from the Grana Valley to the Langa of Barolo and Roero).

The goal is for people to discover what is behind a circular supply chain product by using all the senses in a playful, fun and engaging way and savoring food and wine with the help of the whole body.

Each stage will feature a wine tasting paired with an excellent food product from a short supply chain.

In short, the event aims to offer a fresh and interactive way to share “face to face” technical concepts sweetened and diluted by the simple and immediate language of taste.

The route

The initiative winds through 3 different stages in the center of the Village to discover different wine&food products, in an informed way, thanks to the presence of an expert communicator of wine and food products.

Each stage will end with a kind of game/quiz that will allow access to the next stage by answering a question related to the products being tasted.

Each stage will feature a wine tasting paired with a different excellent food product from a short supply chain, such as IGP Piedmont Hazelnut and DOP Castelmagno cheese.

First Stage

The route starts at the top of the Albaretto Tower, from which there is a 360-degree view and where the mMuset, a micro sensory museum of Alta Langa, is located.

Second stage

The second stage will take place in a charming little deconsecrated church in the center of the town reserved exclusively.

Third stage

The sensory journey will then end on Albaretto’s panoramic terrace for a tasting with a full view of the entire Bassa Langa with the extraordinary backdrop of the Alps in the background.

Organized by

LoveLanghe Tour


06 April 2024

at 15:00


06 April 2024

at 18:00

How to participate

3 shifts lasting about one hour:

  • 15:00
  • 16:00
  • 17:00

Reservations are required through the form on LoveLanghe Tour. Click "Buy Ticket" to book (or call us if you have questions)!

Indirizzo: Via Castello, 2, Albaretto della Torre CN, Italia

Village center

Via Castello, 2, Albaretto della Torre CN, Italia
Directions ↝

LoveLanghe Tour

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