
Hilberg Pasquero

Wine Producer in Priocca

Business Hours

10:00 → 12:30
14:30 → 18:30

Closing Day

Saturday and Sunday


August 1 → 15
2 weeks between Christmas and New Year's Day

Hilberg Pasquero is a small business in Priocca, Roero. The company was born thanks to the foresight of Annette Hilberg and Michele Pasquero when, in the early 1980s, they decided to combine their knowledge and invest in this land.

Initially, theirs is an agricultural reality rooted in tradition (celery, leeks, corn and hay), but their studies allow them to experiment with hydroponic farming, with bumblebees to encourage pollination, organic and biodynamic.

Still maintaining this line, which combines innovation and respect for the environment, Annette and Michele decide to start making wine.

Although this area is less well known than the Langa of Barolo and Barbaresco, the soils here are also rich in clay and marl, so equally suited to the cultivation of nebbiolo, which gives a magnificent Roero DOCG, and other grape varieties typical of the area, such as barbera.

The Wines

Uncorking a bottle means getting in touch with the Hilberg Pasquero philosophy.

Production is mainly focused on Barbera and Nebbiolo, which will be converted entirely to Roero, as a tribute to the terroir to which it belongs.

The Hilberg Pasquero philosophy, however, goes far beyond appellations: what really matters is the quality andidentity of the wine produced. Some labels, in fact, such as the red Vareij and Rosato, although they are unclassified, are extremely refined and able to fully represent the territory.

Through careful and targeted practices, we produce high quality wines that are an authentic expression of our terroir and our dedication to sustainability. – Nicola Pasquero

To talk about Hilberg Pasquero wines, however, we need to start from further back by considering all aspects related to the vineyard.

Geology, geography, and vine selection

The composition of the soil greatly influences the characteristics of the wine, as does the exposure and position of the vineyards in relation to the hillside and winds.

Rootstocks are also meticulously chosen, based on the peculiarities of the soil, trying to encourage deep rooting and choosing to favor quality over quantity. And so it is that, for rich, moist soils, aromatic white grapes or barbera are chosen, for white clays nebbiolo and for sands arneis.

The winemaker‘s gaze is therefore careful and focused: only by studying these crucial factors can the best grapes and, consequently, the best wines be obtained.

Produced Wines

Vino Rosato, Vino Rosso, Roero DOCG, Nebbiolo d'Alba DOCG, Langhe DOC Nebbiolo, Barbera d'Alba DOC Superiore, Barbera d'Alba DOC Riserva

Vineyards Extension

8 Ha

N° of Bottles


Vineyards Location

Agricultural Method


Visits & Tastings

Educational experiences that allow you to learn about business and return home with some baggage

Stopping by the Hilberg Pasquero winery means meeting family members or close, trusted collaborators. It means learning something new, delving into important aspects related to the territory, geology, winemaking techniques and the history of the winery.

An immersive experience, culminating in the tasting of wines, each with its own peculiarities and tastes, deeply linked to the soil and grape variety. There are two types of visit that can be chosen, also depending on the curiosity and interest of each visitor:

  • tours with guided tastings, for those who wish to be told about each wine
  • “free” tours, which do not include guided tastings and leave room for relaxation and enjoying the glass independently

Learn about the types of tastings and their prices.


max 20 people

Visit Duration



Tasting Price

Starting at 15€


Bioergodynamics, cantun verd and the preservation of genetic heritage

The Hilberg Pasquero approach to viticulture focuses primarily on the inter-row, or space between the rows of vines.

The principles followed are those of organic farming, biodynamics and bioergodynamics, a term coined by the family, which is based on a holistic approach to cultivation, but still grounded in science.

The goal is to manage plant conflict, considering not only the vine but also what grows around it.

It is critical to study how the soil breathes, how it needs to be nourished, and how water penetrates so that we can get the most out of each vineyard. There is no protocol for all vineyards, but each must be studied individually, taking into account its location and specific characteristics.

Some examples? Leguminous plants are used to fix nitrogen in the soil, and, in the case of already rich subsoils, mustard is planted to promote water penetration. Therefore, north-facing vines, which have more moisture, will require a different approach than south-facing vines, which are characterized by subsoil aridity.

The “cantun verd”

“Cantun verd” refers to the green corners, i.e., areas on the edge of vineyards, very important spaces for breaking monoculture, creating biodiversity and producing fruit, not only for personal use but also for animals. Different varieties of trees can be planted here, such as peach, apricot and apple trees.

These spaces are connected by creating hedges and corridors, for example with rows of cypress trees, which are essential for providing habitat for local wildlife because they allow birds to move around safely, offer shelter for earthworms from excessive heat, and provide shelter for small animals such as jackrabbits.

Where there is a lot of forest, this is less needed, but the farm plots are located high up because doing organic and biodynamic the wind is essential for plant health, so the cantun verd philosophy proves indispensable.

Moreover, this project is a real protocol (complete with logo and registration) that Hilberg Pasquero also wants to make usable to fellow producers to help them manage their green corners and choose the right plants, to achieve the desired results.


Bioergodynamics is a trademark that Hilberg Pasquero has registered. The term is composed of three words where BIO, means the restoration of biodiversity, ERGON indicates the union of science with the vigneron's experience, and DYNAMICS emphasizes the importance of understanding between micro and macro relationships, thus suggesting a holistic relationship. According to the family, it is necessary to care about small details and be open to the lessons that nature teaches.

The mass selection of vines

Hilberg Pasquero uses very old mother vines to take vegetative material for new plantings. For example, three particularly expressive mother vines were identified for a Barbera vineyard: one 100-year-old, one 90-year-old, and one 80-year-old. This strategy makes it possible to preserve the unique characteristics of the fruit, the quality of which would be hard to find easily on the market, and to diversify the genetic heritage so that the vineyards are more resilient to disease. Mass selection preserves valuable biodiversity and, although it requires more effort, allows for unique and healthy vineyards.

Prices & Services

Different types of tastings to discover the winery and taste its wines

Guided tastings

Discovery → 30.00 €/person*

Guided tasting of 3 wines (from different grape varieties) with 3 pairings (usually, 3 cheeses from selected small producers) in 3 glasses of different shapes depending on the grape variety.

Immersive → 50.00 €/person**

Tasting of 9 wines (reserves and collections included) + pairing with 3 cheeses. It is possible to organize verticals by grape varieties, but only for groups above 8 people. Each guided tasting includes:

  • Brief introduction to the area, explanation of context, geology, winemaking techniques, and family history
  • Brief tour of the fermentation and maturation rooms, exploration of materials and philosophy

NB. In case of vegan guests, communication is required in order to best accommodate them. Groups of up to 20 people are accepted, but to best enjoy the tasting, ideally not to exceed 10 people.

*Granted if each person purchases 2 cases of wine or if you are a club member or their guest (collectors who visit us at the winery and purchase regularly).

**Duration approximately 1.5/2 hours. Tasting will be complimentary if each person buys 3 cases of wine or if you are a club member or their guests (collectors who visit us at the winery and buy regularly.

Free tastings

Two alternatives to enjoy on your own that do not include guided tasting, to discover the farm and nature.

Aperitif → 15.00 €/person

  • 3 glasses of wine (Vareij, Stella, Val Martin)
  • 3 selected cheese pairings
  • explanation regarding pairing to complete the tasting on your own

Snack → 25.00 €/person

  • 1 bottle of your choice (from Ciabot delle Rose, Gris Pomaij, Vareij, Stella, Val Martin)
  • Chalices
  • 1 Robiola cheese from a small producer (or fresh artisanal cured meat) and hand-ironed, corn grain breadsticks

NB. In case of vegan guests, communication is required in order to best accommodate them.


Pets Allowed Terrace Direct Sales WiFi Kids Games / Playground Parking Lot Garden Caravan Parking

Accepted Payments

Visa / Cartasi Mastercard American Express Diners ATM / Bancomat Satispay Bank Transfer Cash

Hilberg Pasquero

Via Bricco Gatti, 16, 12040 Priocca, Cuneo, Italy
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