Alba — Bishop's Seminary Alba MAB Hall

Inclusive reading workshops in MAB hall

Inclusive read aloud workshops with illustrated stories made of symbols

from Saturday

21 September 2024

at 16:00

to Saturday

21 September 2024

at 18:00

On Saturday, Sept. 21, MAB workers await children and their families for an afternoon of inclusive read alouds, discovering new stories, illustrated and made of symbols. The workshop will be held at the Bishop’s Seminary, starting at 4 p.m. and is open to all.
The event is part of the TUTTI AL MAB project, launched already last year by the Diocesan Museum Foundation thanks to the 8xmille grant with the aim of fostering inclusion and participation in the three diocesan institutes, the Museum, the Archives and the Library.

The MAB room

The MAB Room (Museum – Archives – Library) is a space for sharing and meeting, welcoming all children and young people to read new stories made of symbols and drawings, among colorful carpets and pillows. Once again this year, the Books for All shelf has. enriched with the purchase of new books translated into Augmentative Alternative Communication symbols, the aid composed of writing in symbols that Facilitates and offers people with complex communication needs the opportunity to communicate and participate, but it is also a useful tool for foreign people on their first approach to the Italian language, for everyone to compare and understand diversity.
The service is free of charge and is available to families, educators, therapists and teachers in the area for the use, on site or by loan, of books in symbols but also multimodal and multisensory books.
Thus we hope that reading, as a participatory tool, will make ALL children and young people who come to MAB Hall happy.
The activity is also realized thanks to the contribution of the CRT Foundation as part of “Community Activities 2024” – organized by the Regional Council for Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the dioceses of Piedmont and Aosta Valley.  

Organized by

MUDI – Museo Diocesano di Alba


21 September 2024

at 16:00


21 September 2024

at 18:00

How to participate

Free participation. Reservation recommended.

Indirizzo: Casa di Ospitalità Religiosa Seminario Vescovile di Alba, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Alba, CN, Italia

Bishop's Seminary Alba MAB Hall

Casa di Ospitalità Religiosa Seminario Vescovile di Alba, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

MUDI – Museo Diocesano di Alba

Il Museo Diocesano di Alba nasce nel 2012 ed è il risultato di una campagna di scavo archeologico condotta tra il 2007 e il 2012 all'interno della Cattedrale di San Lorenzo. Il Museo ospita il lapidario, una raccolta eterogenea di pietre e marmi databili tra il I secolo e il XVII. Visitando il percorso archeologico sotterraneo si possono riscoprire le origini della città romana di Alba Pompeia, i resti della cattedrale paleocristiana e le sue trasformazioni fino al XII secolo.

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