Asti — Alfieri Square

Astimusica: Gigi D'Alessio

The celebrated Neapolitan singer-songwriter will make Alfieri Square vibrate with his romantic melodies and greatest hits.

from Friday

12 July 2024

at 21:00

to Friday

12 July 2024

at 23:00

Once again this year, the city of Asti is ready to welcome, for its 27th edition, one of Italy’s best-known and most anticipated festivals: ASTIMUSICA!

The unmissable events of the festival will be held fromJuly 11 to 17 for the first time in Asti‘s Piazza Alfieri, bringing a touch of magic and music to the heart of the city.

This year’s edition, promoted by the Municipality of Asti under the artistic direction of Massimo Cotto, promises to be unforgettable, with a calendar of top-notch artists who will perform live in the new location, which welcomes more audiences than previous editions.

Astimusica, in collaboration with Politeama Srl(Palco19 Asti) and Audere Eventi, once again confirms itself as a festival capable of intercepting current trends and the tastes of multiple generations.

It represents aunique opportunity to experience evenings of great music and fun in a historic and picturesque setting such as Alfieri Square!

Gigi D’Alessio

Gigi D’Alessio will perform on July 12. The celebrated Neapolitan singer-songwriter will make Alfieri Square vibrate with his romantic melodies and greatest hits.

Many hear in his unmistakable timbre the sound of the Neapolitan alleys, in his singing they recognize the typical chanting of the popular streets of Campania, that all-Neapolitan inflection that characterizes the scugnizzi.

Beloved, not surprisingly, by his fellow citizens, Gigi D’Alessio ‘s artistic journey is quite exceptional, going from performing at weddings to filling stadiums in his hometown to establishing himself in the great national arena.

Organized by

Comune di Asti


12 July 2024

at 21:00


12 July 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

The evenings will begin at 9 p.m.

Some concerts will have seating while others will have a standing parterre.

Tickets for the concerts are already available on TicketOne and at authorized outlets.

Indirizzo: Piazza Vittorio Alfieri, Asti, AT, Italia

Alfieri Square

Piazza Vittorio Alfieri, Asti, AT, Italia
Directions ↝

Comune di Asti

Asti è conosciuta in tutto il mondo per i suoi vini, in particolare l'Asti spumante. Proprio per questo, ogni anno, viene organizzato un concorso enologico denominato la Douja d'Or. Celebri sono anche il suo Palio storico, manifestazione tra le più antiche d'Italia e il Festival delle sagre astigiane, una manifestazione enogastronomica dove oltre 40 pro loco della provincia di Asti propongono le loro specialità gastronomiche, accompagnate da vini DOCG astigiani.

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