Cacciatora Chicken A characteristic autumn dish

Chicken is cut into pieces and browned in a pan with oil, butter, rosemary, bay leaf and a little pepper.
A large sliced onion is then added and continued to sauté until blond in color.
At this point, two or three well-ripened tomatoes finely chopped are added and, adding a few ladles of hot broth every now and then, the sauce is brought to a simmer, trying to give it the right consistency. It is recommended to eat it with polenta in the fall.
When there was no telephone for early warnings and the most disparate characters could arrive at the farmhouse, relatives, friends, especially the owners residing in the city and in the autumn out hunting (how many hares then, and partridges and pheasants!), what other dish could be prepared in less time with the certainty of an excellent result?
This is a characteristic autumn dish, when the last tomatoes are fully ripening in the garden and the chanterelles from the first spring broods have grown well, tender, fat-free.
One fishes from the fluttering pile the chosen chicken, kills and cleans it, cuts it into pieces, and, when it is well browned in its sauté, drowns it in tomato for the final cooking.
While chatting about the progress of the vintage while sipping a small glass of good wine, and while the diligent cook prepares two noodles always welcome in any event, the chicken is ready, inviting, flavorful, delicious.
Then, if autumn is so far advanced that already the eight-row corn has been milled, who can keep us, forgoing noodles for once, from pairing polenta with rabbit and its flavorful sauce?
Photo Credits: pocketcultures
Although many people claim authorship, it seems that the original recipe for pollo alla cacciatora originated in Tuscany.
A timeless recipe, just like baked chicken thighs, that has the typical taste of home: the one that restores, comforts and, above all, gives a feeling of well-being.