Alba — Villages of Alba

Vinum: Street Food ëd Langa

Vinum 2024's street food, full of tasty, top-quality menus that can be enjoyed while strolling through the beautiful village streets of Alba

from Saturday

04 May 2024

at 10:30

to Sunday

05 May 2024

at 20:30

Vinum - street food

Vinum’s street food returns, a way of experiencing a culture’s centuries-old relationship with its food, with its roots, reinventing it every day in an innovative, surprising, practical and above all tasty form.

Paired with the area’s wines, each Vinum square presents Street Food ëd Langa: territorial finger food of the highest quality.

The highest expression of our gastronomic tradition, Street Food ëd Langa uses local raw materials and products.

Served in single portions, it allows you to taste the delicacies of our land while strolling around the city and sipping a glass of wine.

In collaboration with the Alba Boroughs participating in the Joust of the Hundred Towers and the Alba Hotel Academy.

Participating villages and their menus


Borgo Moretta and albese butchers – Bubbio Square

  • Tasting of cold cuts
  • Tasting of knife-beaten raw meat of Fassona Piemontese
  • Raw sausage cone
  • Sausage sandwich or plate of grilled sausage
  • Tasting of Piedmontese Fassona steak or hamburger
  • Tasting of agnolotti stuffed with Fassona Piemontese meat
  • Tasting of “Sobrich” (potato pancakes)
  • Tasting of semintegral bread
  • Strawberry tasting

Borgo del Fumo – Rossetti Square

  • Bagasse with filling of your choice (lard, gorgonzola, cooked salami, green anchovies)
  • Three appetizers of your choice(tinned Russian salad, bites of sausage cooked in wine, cooked salami/lard/gorgonzola mix, green anchovies, fried anchovy cone)

Borgo Santa Barbara – Rossetti Square

  • Appetizer for all tastes (bell bell pepper with anchovy, bell bell pepper with green bagnetto, frittata, friciò or vitello tonnato)
  • Hot stuffed Focaccina/Tasty fritos (Focaccina with lard or omelettes or veal tonnato)
  • Asparagus with fondue or egg
  • Fritti di Langa(fries or friciò)

Borgo Santa Rosalia -Piazza Rossetti

  • Langa meatballs with potato wedges
  • Trio of appetizers(giardiniera – bergera salad – tomatoes with tuna sauce)
  • Trio of cheeses (Bra DOP – Raschera – Tuma con Cugnà)
  • Sandwich with meatballs or Langa appetizers
  • Potato wedges
  • Fruit salad

Borgo San Martino – Magdalena Courtyard

  • Antipasto di San Martino (toasted Langa bread with cured meats and tomino cheese with honey)
  • Che Bun (rolled with porchetta, caramelized onions and yogurt sauce)
  • Friciulin of Langa
  • “Fate an prus” (pears in red wine).

Apro – Hotel Academy – Magdalena Courtyard

  • Potatoes with cream cheese
  • Chicken with hazelnuts
  • Nebbiolo Risotto

Borgo Brichet – Magdalene Courtyard

  • Potato gnocchi with Piedmontese toma cheese fondue
  • Langa sausage skewers with fried potatoes
  • Small fish with chips
  • French fries with sauces

Borgo San Lorenzo – Piazza San Paolo

  • Slice of homemade cake (hazelnut, apple, pie crust)
  • Eggnog with cookie or hot chocolate with cookie
  • Slice of hazelnut cake with eggnog or chocolate
  • Chocolate delights (grand mix of chocolate desserts)
  • Sweets by the spoonful (bònet or stuffed peach)
  • Tasting of 4 sweet treats
  • Tasting of artisanal cookies (apple, hazelnut, chocolate, coffee)
  • Muscat and Wild Strawberry Sorbet

Borgo dij patin e du tésor -Saint Paul’s Square

  • Herb focaccia
  • Mixed focaccia (cheese + lard)
  • Fried bread cone
  • Baked pasta slice

Organized by

Vinum Alba


04 May 2024

at 10:30


05 May 2024

at 20:30

How to participate

Dishes can be purchased on site

Indirizzo: Piazza Rossetti, Alba, CN, Italia

Villages of Alba

Piazza Rossetti, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Vinum Alba

Vinum è una vetrina e al contempo un’occasione per degustare i più grandi vini del Piemonte. Le produzioni d’eccellenza del nostro territorio si presentano nel centro storico di Alba accompagnate allo Street Food ëd Langa, cibo di strada di alta qualità, ricco di storia e di tradizione langarola. Nei giorni di Vinum le piazze della città diventano banchi d’assaggio dedicati alla degustazione delle principali tipologie di vini prodotte nella zona: il Barolo, il Barbaresco, il Dolcetto, il Moscato, il Roero Arneis e il Roero, i bianchi delle Langhe, l’Asti Spumante e i vini del Monferrato, senza dimenticare le Grappe e i distillati del Piemonte. Le degustazioni, guidate e curate dall’AIS Associazione Italiana Sommelier, avvengono dalle 10.30 alle 20.00 per tutta la durata della manifestazione.

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