La Morra — Agricultural Brandini

Vinum in the winery: Agricola Brandini

Visit a local winery and taste the dishes of great chefs: Agricola Brandini presents its organic wines with an aperitif by chef Zecchin

from Saturday

04 May 2024

at 16:00

to Saturday

04 May 2024

at 19:00

luca zecchin chef - eventi

Vinum in the winery is an experience designed to meet the needs of wine tourists and gourmets.

With Vinum in cantina you have the opportunity to visit some of the most important wineries in Langhe, Roero and Monferrato selected by great chefs who, at the end of the tour, will prepare a special aperitif paired with the host winery’s wine.

The experience is complete with a round-trip shuttle service from Alba.


At the end of the tour you can enjoy an aperitif prepared by chef Luca Zecchin.

The visit includes:

  • Round-trip shuttle transfer departing from Alba (Medford Square, 3) at 3:30 p.m. and returning about 6:30 p.m.
  • Aperitif with the chef
  • Guided tour of the winery

Aperitif menu

Beet, capers and kefir
Cremino of gorgonzola and pear
Zucchini tartlet in carpione
Pan brioches and crudo from Lurisia
Trout and carpion gel

The winery

We have always believed that organic is a way of life rather than a production method, we believe in the importance of this philosophy to leave the land in better condition than we found it.

Our grapes are grown with full respect for the wonderful land that hosts us, the people who work there and the consumers who choose us.

Sometimes to follow an ideal, one must have the courage to face more difficult paths.

We produce wines that are an expression of the territory in full respect of the Langa tradition .

We follow the transformation of grapes into wine step by step thanks to theattention of our winemakers and with the use of the best technologies.

At the heart of every choice we make is the pursuit of the highest quality, from vineyard to bottle.

We devote great attention and care to our vineyards, cultivating with a sense of proportion to obtain the best possible grapes.

Each soil has very different characteristics and expressions, which is why we have chosen to extend our 18 hectares between La Morra, Serralunga d’Alba, Monforte d’Alba We cultivate different grape varieties and in 2015 we concluded the selection of our 4 Barolo Cru: R56 (Brandini), Annunziata, Meriame, Cerretta.

The chef

The chef, Luca Zecchin, was a student of the influential and unforgettable Lidia Alciati assimilating recipes of the great timeless classics of Piedmontese cuisine.

Thanks to 20 years of Michelin stars, now more than ever he wants to seek a new key aimed at sustainable, light, refined cuisine to offer an experience that goes beyond the table.

Special attention is paid to the selection of raw materials from farms in the Piedmont region of the highest quality and sustainability, starting with meat from certified semi-wild mountain farms, fish from regional sources and continuing with vegetables from our organic and biodynamic garden.

Organized by

Vinum Alba


04 May 2024

at 16:00


04 May 2024

at 19:00

How to participate

45,00 €

38.00 € discounted until April 10

Indirizzo: Azienda Agricola F.lli Massucco, Via Serra, Castagnito, CN, Italia

Agricultural Brandini

Azienda Agricola F.lli Massucco, Via Serra, Castagnito, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Vinum Alba

Vinum è una vetrina e al contempo un’occasione per degustare i più grandi vini del Piemonte. Le produzioni d’eccellenza del nostro territorio si presentano nel centro storico di Alba accompagnate allo Street Food ëd Langa, cibo di strada di alta qualità, ricco di storia e di tradizione langarola. Nei giorni di Vinum le piazze della città diventano banchi d’assaggio dedicati alla degustazione delle principali tipologie di vini prodotte nella zona: il Barolo, il Barbaresco, il Dolcetto, il Moscato, il Roero Arneis e il Roero, i bianchi delle Langhe, l’Asti Spumante e i vini del Monferrato, senza dimenticare le Grappe e i distillati del Piemonte. Le degustazioni, guidate e curate dall’AIS Associazione Italiana Sommelier, avvengono dalle 10.30 alle 20.00 per tutta la durata della manifestazione.

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