Roddi — Relevance of the castle of Roddi

Vinum: chefs Antonella Ricci and Vinod Sookar

A food and wine tour to discover Piedmont's prized DOC and DOCG appellations directed by star chefs

from Saturday

27 April 2024

at 20:30

to Saturday

27 April 2024

at 23:00

Vinum’s formula is that of a city embracing its excellence and revealing it along the streets and through the squares.

Vinum is an event that brings together wine connoisseurs, gourmets and those who want to be passionate about the art and culture of the lower Piedmont region, being lulled by the beauty of the vineyards and hills that in 2014 Unesco recognized as a World Heritage Site.

Vinum is the opportunity to stroll through the streets of the city tasting the best wines of the area through food and wine tastings in the city’s iconic places.

The event with chefs Antonella and Vinod

A food and wine tour to discover the fine DOC and DOCG appellations of Piedmont.

AIS sommeliers, on hand throughout the evening, will be able to advise and guide in the choice of wines from bubbles, whites, rosés, reds and aromatics.

The chefs

Antonella and Vinod, star chefs from Puglia since 1996, met during an Apulian cooking seminar Antonella held in Mauritius.

Sandro Morari in 1998, thinking of a team of women to represent Italian cuisine abroad, chose Antonella, who on leaving his restaurant said goodbye to her parents with a premonitory phrase: “I will return with a husband.”

On the island they entrusted Vinod to her as an aid: they married after a year.

She from Brindisi, he from Mauritius, companions in life and work; the secret of Ricci Osteria is kept in the relationship between Antonella Ricci and Vinod Sookar, but not only.

The Ricci surname represents a true boast of Apulian catering, and it is in the family restaurant, Al Fornello da Ricci since 1966, holder of Puglia’s longest-running Michelin Star, that Antonella takes her first steps in the kitchen.

The couple’s dream isto bring the Mediterranean sunshine to Milan, a desire that becomes a reality thanks to meeting with founding partners Massimiliano Paradisi, Marco Postiglione and Resident Chef Francesco Bordone.

Thus Ricci Osteria was born, a place where guests can feel at home, enveloped in the warmth of a large family.

The menu

The menu is specially designed for the event and includes:

  • Aperitif
  • Meatballs and beet chips
  • Wild beet and Altamura bread flan with hanging cherry tomato sauce
  • Ricotta drops wrapped in Senatore Cappelli semolina, pounded zucchini and toasted bacon
  • Lamb leg cube on mashed potatoes under ash and Polignano carrot cloud
  • Olive oil fluffy with strawberry soup and Mauritius vanilla cream
  • Small almond pastries

During the dinner, it will be possible to choose which label to taste from awide selection of Piedmontese wines, in a food and wine journey to discover the fine Doc and Docg appellations of Piedmont.

No changes are expected, however, please report any allergies within 72 hours of the event by sending an email to

The tables are convivial.

Organized by

Vinum Alba


27 April 2024

at 20:30


27 April 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

120.00 € full

90.oo € discounted until April 10

To make reservations click here.


Indirizzo: Via Carlo Alberto, 15, 12060 Roddi CN, Italia

Relevance of the castle of Roddi

Via Carlo Alberto, 15, 12060 Roddi CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Vinum Alba

Vinum è una vetrina e al contempo un’occasione per degustare i più grandi vini del Piemonte. Le produzioni d’eccellenza del nostro territorio si presentano nel centro storico di Alba accompagnate allo Street Food ëd Langa, cibo di strada di alta qualità, ricco di storia e di tradizione langarola. Nei giorni di Vinum le piazze della città diventano banchi d’assaggio dedicati alla degustazione delle principali tipologie di vini prodotte nella zona: il Barolo, il Barbaresco, il Dolcetto, il Moscato, il Roero Arneis e il Roero, i bianchi delle Langhe, l’Asti Spumante e i vini del Monferrato, senza dimenticare le Grappe e i distillati del Piemonte. Le degustazioni, guidate e curate dall’AIS Associazione Italiana Sommelier, avvengono dalle 10.30 alle 20.00 per tutta la durata della manifestazione.

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