Dogliani — Bottega del Dolcetto


A grand tasting of white, rosé and bubbly wines - Alta Langa, metodo classico, charmat and ancestral - from producers associated with the Bottega del Dogliani

from Tuesday

23 July 2024

at 18:30

to Tuesday

23 July 2024

at 23:00

We want to show you that Dogliani is not just Dogliani but is nonetheless great wines, thanks to the versatility afforded by an area of very high vocation that spans 21 municipalities with their differences in soils, altitudes and microclimates.

There will certainly also be no shortage of bottles of Dogliani Docg brought by those producers who have not tried their hand at whites and sparkling wines.

6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

The tasting counters will open and it will be possible to taste all the wines presented by the producers, accompanied by the proposals of some excellent artisanal food producers from Dogliano and the surrounding area with meats, cold cuts, cheeses, anchovies, hazelnut creams and much more.

9:00 p.m.

An open-air dinner prepared by Osteria Battaglino will be held, where you will find Dogliani and reds from our land alongside the whites.

Places are limited and reservations are essential at Osteria Battaglino.


Bluefin tuna belly in its marinade, with turnips and caviar

Mussels-as in Burgundy

Caponata-as in Trapani

Shrimp cocktail-as in the 1980s

Fish soup, pasta and bottarg

Angler fish, barbecued potatoes and summer truffles

Berry Chantilly

Organized by

Bottega del Vino Dogliani DOCG


23 July 2024

at 18:30


23 July 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

25.00 € tasting/aperitif cost per person

60.00 € cost of dinner per person and also includes admission to the tasting.

Payment is made at the time of entry to the staff of Osteria Battaglino

Indirizzo: BOTTEGA DEL VINO DOGLIANI DOCG, Piazza S. Paolo, Dogliani, CN, Italia

Bottega del Dolcetto

BOTTEGA DEL VINO DOGLIANI DOCG, Piazza S. Paolo, Dogliani, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Bottega del Vino Dogliani DOCG

La Bottega è una associazione fra i produttori del Dogliani. Ha sede nelle cantine di un antico convento dove è possibile degustare e acquistare i vini.

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