Alba — Tanaro Park

Street Parej

An explosion of food, music and fun. An opportunity for families and friends to enjoy a day of celebration

from Sunday

02 June 2024

at 10:00

to Sunday

02 June 2024

at 23:00

June 2 in Alba: An explosion of food, music and fun at Tanaro Park with Street Parej.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the first date of the Street Parej project, scheduled for June 2, 2024 at Collisioni Circus, at the Tanaro Park in Alba.

The day will be an ode to street food culture and live entertainment, with a program that runs from morning until midnight and promises to please all tastes and ages with activities for even the youngest children.

Live music and DJ set.



The festival will begin at 10 a.m. with aculinary offering celebrating street food with COJ More Than Food trucks.

Guests can enjoy a variety of dishes and enjoy drinks provided by local partners, Boia Fauss microbrewery and Langa Spirit.


The music will kick off with Rick Neiss opening the dance.

This will be followed by Dr. Botti (Goal Twins) with a funky set for dancing as early as lunchtime, and DJ Hunt, who will take us back in time with an exclusive and unmissable vinyl djset.


At 4 p.m. the first live concert with Lee Money, a brand new and promising funk & rock trio composed of Amedeo Viglino, Nicolas Roncea and Ivo Cavallo.

The concerts continue with a performance by Magasin Du Café at 6 p.m., on their only date in the area before the tour.

At 8:30 p.m., the temperature will be warm enough to rock the dance floor with Radio Fujot, before the evening grand finale again with Rick Neiss, this time for a techno-adrenaline session.

Children’s Activities

We have not forgotten the little ones, for whom we have organized animated readings by Sara Conterno starting at 4 p.m., snack of bread and Nutella, and guaranteed fun with games and animations from the new Viola and Canvas Theater project by Associ&rete.

An event for all, free of charge

An opportunity for families and friends to enjoy a day of celebration.

Organized by

Comune di Alba


02 June 2024

at 10:00


02 June 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

Admission to the event is completely free

Indirizzo: Parco Lungo Tanaro, Via San Rocco, Alba, CN, Italia

Tanaro Park

Parco Lungo Tanaro, Via San Rocco, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

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