— city

Strawberry festival

The rich program of events dedicated to the strawberry and the territory

from Friday

19 May 2023

at 21:00

to Sunday

21 May 2023

at 23:30

sagra fragola sommeriva -eventi

Traditional Fair that since 1954 has annually celebrated, between late May and early June, the” Strawberry”, the main product of our country’s countryside .

Our farmers are credited with being the first to introduce strawberry cultivation in the Roero.

Program May 19

21:00 Europe Square

Great food raffle with rich prizes

Program May 20

09:00 to 18:00 Tibaldi Municipal Field

2014 First Kick Tournament (7 vs. 7) from 09:00 a.m.

Chicks tournament year 2012 (7 vs 7) from 2:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

Full Strawberry

Historic Fiat 500 rally organized by Fiat500 ClubItalia Coordination of Alba-Bra-Asti.

8:00 p.m.

Traveling dinner of local specialties

9:30 p.m. Europe Square

Great concert of Controvento Tribute Nomadi

Program May 21

09:00 to 12:00 Tibaldi Municipal Field

2015 First Kicks Tournament (5 vs. 5)

09:00 to 20:00

Strawberries go to market

Along the avenue, traditional fair of typical food and wine products, tradition and local culture.

09:00 to 17:00

Throughout the concentric of Sommariva Perno, the 1st “Strawberry Festival” extemporaneous painting contest will be held.

10:00 a.m.

Market of historic producers: directly from the fields of cultivation the good and beautiful strawberries that bear the “De.C.O. Fragole di Sommariva Perno nel Roero” trademark

11:00 a.m. Europe Square

Inauguration of ” The place of strawberries” in the presence of the authorities

12:30 p.m. Europe Square

Refreshments in the square and under the palatenda with local specialties

3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Walking with the Bela Rosin

Routes through art and history with guided tours of Sommariva Perno’s historic monuments departing every hour from the Church of San Bernardino.

4:30 p.m.

Strawberries strolling with the Bela Rosin

Grand parade with Strawberry Queen, Bela Rosin and King Victor with ladies-in-waiting and escort officers.

Also present will be the Roero marching band, flag-wavers from Costigliole d’Asti, marching band and majorettes from Vezza d’Alba, and the Alba cheerleading team.

Grand final strawberries.

9:00 p.m.

7th edition of Miss Strawberry

Contest, fashion show and musical performance


A shuttle service from the parking lots to the city center will operate throughout the evening.

Organized by

Pro loco Sommariva Perno


19 May 2023

at 21:00


21 May 2023

at 23:30

How to participate

Free events

Indirizzo: Sommariva Perno, CN, Italia


Sommariva Perno, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Pro loco Sommariva Perno

La Pro Loco è un’associazione di volontariato di interesse pubblico, democratica ed apartitica, senza scopo di lucro, volta alla promozione del territorio, ed alla valorizzazione delle attività turistiche, ludiche, enogastronomiche, storiche e culturali di Sommariva Perno.

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