Monticello d’Alba — Castle

Easter in the Castle

In the magnificent setting of the Castle of the Conti Roero you can spend Easter Monday discovering the castle and the secrets of the romantic park of the manor house

from Monday

01 April 2024

at 10:00

to Monday

01 April 2024

at 18:00

monticello d'alba castello - eventi

In the magnificent setting of the Castello dei Conti Roero in Monticello d’Alba, you can spend Easter Monday, April 1, 2024, discovering the castle and the secrets of the manor’s romantic park.

On the occasion of Easter guided tours inside the castle will be offered, as well as the Parco Roero Family Tour, a tour designed for involve the families with children, which will allow visit the park surrounding the manor house, the subject of the project “The Park of the Castle of Monticello d’Alba: Enhancement and enjoyment of a place that has been a symbol of Roero for seven centuries” funded by the PNNR call for proposals “Programs to enhance the identity of places: Historic parks and gardens.”

Roero Park Family Tour

Through the Parco Roero Family Tour, the children’s tours which also appeals to adults, dedicated to families, you will visit theElegant park created by Savoy landscape architect Xavier Kurten and the subject of the project “The Park of the Castle of Monticello d’Alba: Enhancement and enjoyment of a place that has been a symbol of Roero for seven centuries” funded by the PNNR call for proposals “Programs to enhance the identity of places: Historic parks and gardens.”

The magical pond, the centuries-old linden trees, the legend of Clare’s ghost, the charming Roero family dog cemetery… and much more!

Too bad the guidebook is a bit forgetful and often forgets where certain details are.

And so all participants will be given a special map, a game kit to help the guide find hidden architectural and botanical details in the park: will you be able to help her find them?

In return for the help a sweet surprise to all children to celebrate Easter Monday!

In case of bad weather, the Parco Roero Family Tour format will be repurposed for the castle interior.

Guided tours of the castle

Throughout the day there will be the opportunity to take the traditional tour of the Castle’s interior, with guided tours lasting 45 minutes.


Visiting hours

Castle tour shifts (duration about 45 minutes): 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm.

Parco Roero Family Tour shifts (duration about 40 minutes): 10:45 am, 11:45 am, 12:45 pm, 2:45 pm, 3:45 pm, 4:45 pm, 5:45 pm.


Possibility of lunch at the
Foresteria Conti Roero restaurant
or provide a light lunch at the cafeteria.

For lunch reservations: +39 0173 64112 or



Organized by

Turismo in Langa


01 April 2024

at 10:00


01 April 2024

at 18:00

How to participate

To book the experience click here.


Guided tour of the castle

8.00 € Full adult
4.00 € Children (6 to 14 years old)
Free Guided tour inside the castle - young children (under 6 years old)

Roero Park Family Tour

8.00 € Adults
6.00 € Children (3 to 14 years old)

Combined ticket

13.00 € Cumulative ticket Castle + Roero Park family tour - adults
9.00 € Cumulative ticket Castle + Roero Park family tour - children (6 to 14 years old)
6.00 € Cumulative Ticket Castle + Roero Park Family Tour - young children (3 to 6 years old)

In case of bad weather, the Parco Roero Family Tour format will be repurposed for the castle interior.


The castle is located in Monticello d'Alba (Cuneo, Piedmont), Frazione Villa, Via San Ponzio 2.

From State Highway 231, the road that connects Alba with Bra, when you get to Santa Vittoria d'Alba, turn in the direction of Monticello d'Alba (in front of Eataly), continue to hamlet Monticello Borgo, then go up to hamlet Monticello Villa and follow the signs to the castle.

Google Maps directions: click here.

Indirizzo: Castello di Monticello d'Alba, Villa, CN, Italia


Castello di Monticello d'Alba, Villa, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Turismo in Langa

Dal 1988 l’obiettivo dell’Associazione Turismo in Langa è quello di valorizzare le bellezze del territorio, assecondandone l’inevitabile vocazione turistica. Nel corso degli anni abbiamo lavorato con impegno e passione, in stretta collaborazione con le amministrazioni pubbliche, con volontari e produttori, per la valorizzazione del territorio. Anche noi, così, possiamo dire d’aver contribuito a rendere le Langhe celebri in tutto il mondo per il turismo enogastronomico, ma soprattutto per il loro straordinario patrimonio paesaggistico e culturale, per i castelli, i musei e per le tante iniziative. Oggi l’impegno di Turismo in Langa continua, sospinto dai successi ottenuti in questi anni: insieme a soci e collaboratori, non ci stanchiamo di immaginare nuovi itinerari e ideare eventi e manifestazioni innovative.

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