Lequio Berria — center

Overlanders: notes of saints and sinners

The project that takes theater where theater is not is back: a selection of pieces that are the result of research aimed at narrating the multifaceted spirituality of the people

from Thursday

13 June 2024

at 21:00

to Thursday

13 June 2024

at 22:15

We take theater to where theater is not.

Backpacking we carry out tours entirely on foot, walking from one country to another.

In the mornings we walk, in the afternoons we discover our host countries, and in the evenings we go on stage in their beautiful squares.

The show

Characters and performers

Nicanor Cancellieri
Daniela of Aragon
Irene Geninatti Chiolero
Danilo Ramon Giannini
Stephen Nozzoli
Claudio Pinto Kovacevic

Notes of saints and sinners

A selection of pieces that are the result of research aimed at narrating the multifaceted spirituality of the people.

An evening to gather those songs that tried to give voice to a dialogue between the simple and a higher entity, songs of temptations and faith, of hopes turned to heaven.

A path that crosses ages and languages, places and feelings to tend always and in any case to the divine, popular, folk and lyrical songs in search of a personal, intimate and simple spirituality that can speak to everyone.

From Purcell’s Lamento di Didone to Munastero ‘e Santa Chiara, from The Smiths’ Please Please to Poulanc’s Nocturne for flute and piano, from Lucio Dalla’s La sera dei miracoli to Don Backy’s Limmensità.

The project

The project was born in the lockdown days of 2020.

In the midst of stillness and deprivation of physicality, a group of artists imagined the future and asked “how could we make culture?”

Then on the horizon was the possibility, albeit tentative, of beginning again to move and the project took shape with the idea that we could bring culture to the people in the simplest and oldest way: by reaching out to where small communities reside, through a slow, step-by-step walk up the hills, following an ideal line made up of enchanting places, Of words and melodies.

The name Scalcamontagne is a tribute to the small touring companies of the past that performed in suburban theaters up and down Italy, having to climb over mountains to the end, such was the distance traveled to bring their shows to audiences.

Organized by



13 June 2024

at 21:00


13 June 2024

at 22:15

How to participate

Free admission

Hat exit

All performances will be held even in case of bad weather, indoors

Indirizzo: Lequio Berria, CN, Italia


Lequio Berria, CN, Italia
Directions ↝


Siamo compagnie di artisti amanti della natura e della libertà e nel 2020 abbiamo deciso di portare i nostri spettacoli fuori dai teatri, in mezzo alla gente.  Zaino in spalla realizziamo tournee interamente a piedi, camminando da un paese all’altro. La mattina si cammina, il pomeriggio si scoprono i paesi che ci ospitano e la sera si va in scena nelle loro stupende piazze.

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