Rittana — Community center
Federico Buffa: Rebels, Stories of Challenges
Federico Buffa, in a theatrical interview conducted by Marco Caronna, tells stories of sports scattered across the past and inspirations for the present and future
from Saturday
25 May 2024
at 21:00
to Saturday
25 May 2024
at 22:00
“Rebels” are told: they are the ones who ran against the wind, who welcomed challenges that went far beyond the fences of a court, a stopwatch or a basket.
They are the unequal, the unfit for the quiet life, the stumbling blocks, those who, while following the rules of the game, have used the game to write new rules. They are figures of athletes, “Loco” Housemann, Colin Koepernick, but also figures of men who, through sport, have told of their rebellion: Nelson Mandela, Gigi Riva.
A narrative traversed by music, songs or themes that amplify the spoken words and take the language into other territories. “Rebels” thus becomes a kind of theater-song that brings faces, exploits, downfalls, rebirths to the stage.
All while keeping the guidance of those who follow the music, harmony between word and sound, always fixed. And always with the idea that everything you do, you tell, you experience, could be for the last time….
Buffa responds to questions, to images, to suggestions of music, the dialogue becomes a monologue, a song, a photograph of a time.
And sports proves once again that you can narrate, you can sing, that it often reaches where the stories of games, of feats, intersect the stories of human beings.
Piano, arrangements and direction by Valter Sivilotti.
New Worlds Festival: a story of rebirth in the mountains
Born in 2012 from an idea of the cultural association Kosmoki and the Municipality of Valloriate, the New Worlds Festival is a unique event.
It is in fact a mountain film festival that takes place entirely in the mountains, in the MontagnaFutura Cultural District, consisting of the municipalities of Rittana, Valloriate, Roccasparvera and Moiola.
The challenge is ambitious: to create a major cultural event in a peripheral setting, capable of attracting visitors from all over Italy and breathing new life into an often forgotten mountainous area.
The festival features a selection of documentaries participating in the International Documentary Competition .
In addition to cinema, the festival also offers a rich program of events with important cultural and mountain personalities.
All with the aim of creating a dialogue between different forms of art and culture and exploring new worldviews.
Organized by

25 May 2024
25 May 2024
How to participate
15.00 € Full ticket
Indirizzo: Rittana, CN, Italia
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