Agliano Terme — BAart

Exhibition: Still Thinking by Gabriele Sanzo

A selection of canvases made with mixed media depicting human faces dissolving into abstract shapes and evoking mixed emotions

from Thursday

18 April 2024

at 10:00

to Tuesday

23 April 2024

at 18:00


The BAart space in Agliano Terme reopens its doors after the winter break and presents the first exhibition of the new season: Still Thinking by Asti artist Gabriele Sanzo scheduled from March 24 to May 3, 2024.
Visitors will be able to see a selection of canvases made with mixed media depicting human faces dissolving into abstract shapes and evoking mixed emotions.
This is how the artist describes the exhibition:

STILL THINKING is an exhibition, as the title states, that I have yet to think about.
A metacognitive process to which is added an unconscious question: does this exhibition really belong to me?
I wanted to bring a completely different sign and vision to what is my sensibility, accepting the challenge and its consequences.
Painting becomes a need and a narrative of wanting to get out of the box, a sense of alienation toward what is the everyday.

He continues with a reflection on the techniques and poetics of the exhibition:

Expressions bordering on the abstract, through large canvases of mixed media, as if to remind us that we are not the sum of the individual parts, but a much more generic and broader vision.
STILL THINKING is perhaps the bravest exhibition I have done in recent years, where the illustrator and surrealist Gabriele lets go of the turmoil and anguish of the moment, in a more intimate but fierce form.
A necessary exhibition, at least for me

The artist

Gabriele Sanzo was born and lives in Vinchio, in the province of Asti.
He started drawing at a very young age and has never stopped: as he grew up he realized thatdrawing is the only method for him to express himself at his best.
Over the years he has developed a passion for the art of illustration passing through different artistic worlds such as painting, comics, theater and writing.
He graduated in 2019 from the Academy of Fine Arts of Cuneo, in Painting and was a student of Marco Somà and GinoVercelli.
He delved into the techniques and poetic research of editorial illustration and modern Graphic-novel, always winking at painting and graphic art.
He attended the “ARS IN FABULA” summer master’s program in Editorial Illustration in Macerata with teacher Pablo Auladell.
He has exhibited in several painting and illustration shows, always dealing with different themes and signs.
He organizes and runs illustration workshops for children and adults at libraries and bookstores and also collaborates as an illustrator for important publishing companies, such as IL MESSAGGERO DEI RAGAZZI, LATTES EDITORE, the puzzle magazine CORRADO TEDESCHI EDITORE.
In 2024, his first illustrated book was published for Gribaudo, Feltrinelli Editore, with writer and potess Maria Grazia Calandrone, a finalist for Premio Strega 2023.
Since 2020 he has been aprecarious teacher of Pictorial Disciplines at the Benedetto Alfieri High School of Art in Asti.

Organized by



18 April 2024

at 10:00


23 April 2024

at 18:00

How to participate



Scheduled from March 24 to May 3, 2024 Thursday through Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Indirizzo: Piazza San Giacomo, 2, 14041 Agliano Terme, AT, Italia


Piazza San Giacomo, 2, 14041 Agliano Terme, AT, Italia
Directions ↝


BAart è entrato a far parte della rete museale astigiana della Fondazione Asti Musei. Non solo luogo di cultura e arte, è anche la casa della Barbera e dei vini di Agliano e chi visita BAart potrà degustare le etichette dei produttori, scoprendo le sfumature e le caratteristiche di ciascun vino. Oltre ai singoli calici, si potranno acquistare i pacchetti degustazione Barbera Experience, dedicati alle varie tipologie di Barbera, e Agliano Experience che comprendono, oltre alla Barbera, gli altri vini prodotti ad Agliano Terme.La prenotazione è obbligatoria per i gruppi. L’arte della Barbera è raccontata dalle immagini e dai suoni di una installazione video-artistica realizzata dallo studio MUVI Lab di Vicenza. Le voci dei produttori di Agliano Terme si mescolano ai rumori della natura, con i suoi profondi silenzi e le inaspettate pause, richiamando i potenti contrasti sonori dei grandi compositori classici. All’interno di Bart sarà possibile vedere anche il video di presentazione di Agliano Terme, il docu-film sulla produzione della Barbera d’Asti, che raccoglie le storie e i racconti dei vignaioli di Agliano Terme, e il video sulla Barbera d’Asti realizzato in collaborazione con il Consorzio Barbera d’Asti e Vini del Monferrato. BAart è anche il punto di riferimento per chi visita il paese e ospita uno spazio informativo sulle attività turistiche, culturali ed enogastronomiche della zona di Agliano Terme.

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