Alba — Happy Mully

Self-massage and relaxation for children

A workshop designed for parents of children 0-3 years old with massage and relaxation techniques

from Tuesday

19 March 2024

at 10:30

to Tuesday

19 March 2024

at 11:45

massaggi bambini - eventi

A workshop, designed especially for parents of children 0-3 years old, born from theexperience, professional and as a mother, of Chiara Puliga psychologist expert in relaxation techniques and dance movement therapy.

Together we will look at specific self-massage and relaxation techniques for parents in the early stages of baby’s life… of course Express!

All the techniques that will be proposed can be done either alone/and or with the pupils in our arms, by the hand… and who knows, we may then practice them with them!

The workshop

The breath to find calm and harmony with our little one.

Neck and shoulder self-massage.

Children and chaperones are welcome.


At the Happy Mully space on September XX street in Alba where you can also find changing and breastfeeding point, beautiful games aimed at the sensory-motor development of the youngest babies, and a cozy Sarah!

Organized by

Istinto e Psiche


19 March 2024

at 10:30


19 March 2024

at 11:45

How to participate

15,00 €

Limited seats by reservation.

If you want to come with children they are welcome.

For info and registration write email or call.

Indirizzo: Via XX Settembre, Alba, CN, Italia

Happy Mully

Via XX Settembre, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Istinto e Psiche

Siamo un'équipe di psicologhe che con diverse metodologie lavorano per la promozione del benessere della persone e della comunità, sempre nell'ottica che ognuno di noi sia fatto di mente, corpo ed emozioni, che si intrecciano ed influenzano reciprocamente. E' a partire da questa prospettiva integrata della persona che proponiamo incontri individuali, seminari di formazione e corsi, nei nostri studi di Alba e Carmagnola, con l'utilizzo di diverse tecniche quali: Psicoterapia, DanzaMovimentoTerapia, Mindfulness, Sessuologia, EMDR, Massaggio Tailandese e svedese, Pet Therapy.  

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