Cuneo — Monviso Park
Et vous... ça va?
It is a lively cabaret about you, me, us, love, women, dreams, and life today, where madness and reality are sometimes separated only by a fine line
from Thursday
29 August 2024
at 22:00
to Sunday
01 September 2024
until late night
Cirkulez (FR)
Et vous… ça va?
“Et vous… ça va?” is a hodgepodge of characters! Like a fine wine that grows stronger with time. It is a lively cabaret about you, me, us, love, women, dreams, and life today, where madness and reality are sometimes separated only by a very thin border.
‘Et vous… ça va?’ is also a mixture of everyone’s knowledge, gathered over time, from encounters.
It is a show in which theater, music, light and dance are just as important as the circus itself. So, without further ado, embark on our extravagant universe, let yourself be carried away by the smell of dry straw, open your eyes wide, the big top is ready for the big jump!
Mirabilia 2024: Gimme shelter
Conceived and organized by theIdeAgorà Association under the artistic direction of Fabrizio Gavosto.
An edition titled after the eighth English album by the Rolling Stones, released on November 29, 1969: Gimme shelter is an intense song, almost an apocalyptic hymn, dense with meaning because it was born in a climate of strong instability due to, among other things, the war in Vietnam; a sense of instability, perhaps of restlessness, very topical today, in this historical period, in which sometimes one feels the need for a refuge in which to know one can find well-being, welcome, beauty.
Mirabilia begins its “On the Road” dates on July 26 with an appointment in Alba, and then Savigliano, Vernante, Piozzo and Busca to end in the city of Cuneo, which will welcome Mirabilia The Festival from August 28 to September 1 with a playbill of great international relevance.
Organized by
Festival Mirabilia
29 August 2024
01 September 2024
How to participate
Repeats Thu 29 Aug 22:00 Fri 30 Aug 22:30 Sat 31 Aug 18:00 Sat 31 Aug 22:30 Sun 1 set 10:30 Sun 1 set 22:45 Duration 70' 15.00 Full ticket
Indirizzo: Parco Monviso, Corso Monviso, Cuneo, CN, Italia
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