Mondovì — Former Church of St. Stephen

The great masters of the Baroque and Caravaggio

Only a few more days to admire the 20 masterpieces of Baroque art that has already attracted more than 10 thousand visitors

from Saturday

15 June 2024

at 10:00

to Sunday

16 June 2024

at 20:00

Last extension until June 24!

The exhibition “The Great Masters of the Baroque and Caravaggio” continues to be a huge success, so much so that it has been further extended until June 24, 2024.

This extraordinary exhibition, which opened last December, has already attracted more than 10,000 visitors, fascinated by the majestic works of the great artists of the Baroque period, including the renowned Caravaggio.

The centerpiece of the exhibition is the iconic “Magdalene in Ecstasy” by Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, a masterpiece that enchants with its dramatic and painterly mastery.

But the beauty of the Baroque does not stop there.

Visitors will have the opportunity to admire extraordinary works by the likes of Rubens, Ribera, Giordano, Preti, Reni, Van Dyck, Da Cortona, Suttermans, Dolci, Furini, and Sirani each with their own interpretation of Baroque aesthetics.

Thanks to the willingness of the lenders and the Municipality of Mondovi, it has been possible to extend the exhibition, which offers citizens, tourists and enthusiasts a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the art and beauty of works that have withstood the passage of centuries, keeping their expressive power intact.

In addition to the works on display, cultural events and initiatives will be organized during the additional month of the exhibition period to enrich visitors’ experience and allow them to learn more about these great masters and experience the exhibition in the most engaging way.

Don’t miss this special opportunity to discover and appreciate the artistic genius of the Baroque and Caravaggio, enveloped in the evocative atmosphere of an exhibition that continues to excite and inspire anyone who walks through its doors.

Come for an unforgettable experience, a journey into the heart of art and creativity that will leave you breathless.

Another 30 days to admire the 20 masterpieces of Baroque art!

Organized by

Piemonte Musei


15 June 2024

at 10:00


16 June 2024

at 20:00

How to participate


Tue - Fri 3:00 pm → 7:00 pm

Sat and Sun 10 a.m. → 8 p.m.

12.00 € open ticket (without date or time, usable throughout the exhibition period)

10.00 € full ticket

8.00 € over 65, Journalists (registered), Teachers, Tour Guides and Disabled Escorts

6.00 € Groups (min 10 people - max 25 people), Under 18, University students, Museum Pass and conventions**


4.00 € schools (free for accompanying teacher)

Free for children under 6, disabled

To learn about special openings, visit the website or contact the organization

Indirizzo: Via Sant'Agostino, 24, Mondovì, CN, Italia

Former Church of St. Stephen

Via Sant'Agostino, 24, Mondovì, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

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