Cherasco — Bricco of Cherasco

Outdoor cinema: Being in the world

In the Cuneo writer's work, voices and stories from the multifaceted peasant universe of the province of Cuneo were heard for the first time

from Monday

22 July 2024

at 21:30

to Monday

22 July 2024

at 23:00

Remo Schellino ‘s art films- “Coming into the World,” “Being in the World,” and “Going to the Other World”-are profound and thoughtful cinematic works that explore the fundamental themes of human existence: birth, life and death.

These films, which offer a unique perspective and poetic introspections on each of the phases of our existence, will be presented in a series of three special evenings.

Each evening will be dedicated to one of the films and will take place in a different location in the beautiful setting of Cherasco, making the event not only an opportunity to immerse oneself in the art of cinema, but also to discover and appreciate the beauty and hospitality of this charming Piedmontese town.

The screenings will take place in July, providing a perfect opportunity to enjoy summer evenings of culture and reflection.

Declares Mara Degiorgis councilwoman in charge of culture:

With these three films we resume summer outdoor cinema, a pleasant date for summer evenings. The choice begins to realize my cultural intentions expressed in the election campaign. The trilogy dedicated to the birth, life and death of man seemed to me to be perfect to bring to three representative places in the Cherasque community, and I think that a reflection on these themes suggested by a municipal administration is a suitable proposal to unite a community

Being in the world

On Monday, July 22, in Bricco di Cherasco, we continue with Stare al mondo: the film is a cinematic adaptation of the book L’anello forte by Nuto Revelli.

In the work of the Cuneo writer, for the first time voices and stories from the multifaceted peasant universe of the province of Cuneo were heard, collected and published, restoring the often denied dignity and fundamental value to the role of women within the family and society.

There is no shortage of figures in this film capable of choosing for themselves an alternative way of life, manifesting a desire for independence.

The extreme diversity of the witnesses’ experiences was a deliberate and thoughtful field choice .

Set on the “life story” model, the focus of the interviews was particularly on “choice,” or, conversely, the “absence of choice” in the affective and occupational spheres.

Vincenzina Revelli, President Einaudi’s cook; Marianna Elia, anemigrant from Calabria in the 1960s; Caterina Morando, widow of a man lost in the war in 1943; Irma Brocardo, a schoolteacher who became the first woman mayor in Piedmont; Marisa Ombra, a partisan relay girl; Sister Delfina Pocchiolla; and Paola Ghiglia Blengini, the owner of a dancing club.

All seven, with their testimonies, tell of their being in the world, by choice or destiny.

Organized by

Comune di Cherasco


22 July 2024

at 21:30


22 July 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

Free admission

Indirizzo: Peso Pubblico Cherasco Bricco, Bricco Favole, CN, Italia

Bricco of Cherasco

Peso Pubblico Cherasco Bricco, Bricco Favole, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Comune di Cherasco

Graziosa cittadina posta sull'altopiano che domina la confluenza tra il fiume Tanaro e la Stura, è attivo centro agricolo e commerciale, sede di laboratori artigianali per la lavorazione del legno e di apprezzate botteghe di restauro e antiquariato.

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